water or whole milk PO for ideal carb/protein ratio?


New Member
would it be better to take in 67g pro and 113g carbs
or 52g pro and 89g carbs?

im 5 '7, 162LBs and at 6% Body fat, looking to put on as much mass as possible

I would recommend milk over water for a couple reasons. If you are trying to put on muscle then the extra calories and protein obviously would be a help but beyond that, calcium is important in muscle building and milk is the best overall way to get calcium.
exactly why ive started drinking whole milk with meals now instead of water, since im trying to bulk up! thanks
Just remember - one of the reasons why people have noticed throughout the years that milk is so great when building muscle is due to the importance of calcium (often overlooked) in the process of building muscle. Do some reading on it some time and you will see what I am talking about. Also, milk just happens to have an awesome blend of whey and casein proteins so it is almost ideal for post workout nutrition.
Rather than choose simply between water and whole milk, you also may want to consider skim milk. Skim offers the same protein, carbs, and calcium of whole milk, but without the extra fat.

Skim milk offers 10 calories per gram of protein, which is about ideal for weight maintenance.