weight gain and rings.

I decided to post this because of my currrent situation.
I got married 5 years ago and weighed about 165 lb.s (a string bean at 6'1"). I have always dabbled in weight-lifting but never stcuk wiith it long enough to makle real good gains. I purposely got a wedding ring that was a little large, as my goal was to put on some muscle someday. Everyone told me the ring was way too big and I am going to lose it by having it slip off. Anyway, I always take it off when weight-lifting becasue it is very uncomfortable doing chin-ups or whatever with a big wedding ring on. Lately following HST principles and max-stim I have put on alot of muscle and it is VERY hard to take my ring off!!! I thouhgt this was humorous since everyone told me the ring I chose was too big! Now I am too big at 187 lb.s.
Obviously I voted for the last option-I am too big now!
I take my ring off at the gym, firstly because it's quite uncomfortable lifting things with it on, secondly because it gets squashed if I leave it on.

It broke neatly on the join (it's a silver ring - but not a "silver ring thing", hell no.) a couple of years back while I was lifting something heavy (not in a gym context, it was a big bass amp at a gig). I meant to get it fixed for ages, but now I'm thankful that I've got a bit of leeway to open it a little wider if I need to.
Hmm, I can't vote because I never wear mine at all, ever. It completely does my head in wearing a ring so its in a drawer somewhere. The Mrs was a bit miffed at first but shes got used to the idea.
I don't wear mine either. I was probably 180 or so when we got married. 225lb now. Doesn't fit anymore and need to have it resized.

My wife likes me to wear mine in the gym, she thinks its like "woman repellent" (kind of like garlic to vampires). She likes that I workout & stay fit so long it doesn't attract any strays!
I dont wear mine, it fitted when I got it, it fell off when I was thinner and now it wouldnt fit my fat fingers at all
Rings don't repell women in my experience. I wear mine, but I lost my first one so now I have a new one. It gets kind of loose when I'm cutting down and gets pretty tight at other times in the year. I have callous built up around it from wearing it while lifting. Looks kind of gross actually.
I take mine off when I remember - but it's all scratched up from the times I forgot.

Taking my ring off is easy for me. I'm so much leaner then when I got married that my ring practically falls off (~24% bf when I got married, ~10% bf now).
I leave mine on--all the time. I was about 180 when I got married, been as high as 220, now about 195. Always been able to get it off, just don't.

It long ago lost the shine, so one more scratch doesn't matter.
Mine comes off when I get home anyway!

Impractical to have it on and because i wear work out gloves, it is a big no-no, gets in the way! By theway I don't even sleep with it on, just put it on in the morning that is it!
i stopped wearing mine shortly after i got married. it was a pain at the gym and wasnt real practicle or safe for work (gloves,chainsaws,tools,etc). my wife gave me all kinds of crap up to the day she opened a hatchback on a rental car and her ring caught on the latch. almost took her arm off going up (shes short) and she saw why i didnt wear mine.
Many jobsites where you do physical work will require you to remove rings, bracelets and necklaces. History shows many accidents from these appendages, especially in factories. Sooner or later it will catch on something.
when i was in the Navy, I was stationed on the U.S.S. KittyHawk, and there was a pretty good reason that we were encouraged to not wear wedding bands while on the ship. More than one guy was what they call "de-gloved" where they slipped going down a ladder, and went to grab hold of something only to have their wedding band remove all but the bone from their finger. I never saw it happen, but they actually posted pictures outside of Medical... Not pretty... So needless to say, I do not wear my ring in the weight room.
(Runjor @ Mar. 09 2007,14:16)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">when i was in the Navy, I was stationed on the U.S.S. KittyHawk, and there was a pretty good reason that we were encouraged to not wear wedding bands while on the ship. More than one guy was what they call &quot;de-gloved&quot; where they slipped going down a ladder, and went to grab hold of something only to have their wedding band remove all but the bone from their finger. I never saw it happen, but they actually posted pictures outside of Medical... Not pretty... So needless to say, I do not wear my ring in the weight room.</div>
Hmmm... that's enough to convince me never to wear a ring if I ever get one
I'm like Bluejacket: I'm mostly a carpenter when I'm not running crews, so got in the habit of not wearing one. Looking at the scars on my hands (mostly dirtbike wrecks) I wonder if I'd still have a finger.
Point is: the marriage is in the heart or it isn't a marriage - a ring doesn't make it so. Too bad so many women are so freaky about that, but if they've ever been cheated on, I can understand.