Weighted stretches - what's the evidence?


Well-Known Member
I can't find my e-book copies, but even if I could, they were from ~ 6yrs ago and maybe our understanding has progressed since then. Do weighted stretches have evidence to support causality for hypertrophy? Are there recommendations? Length & weight? Any rough/concrete #'s to point to? etc etc Pragmatically, what is worth doing?
I don't know if it improves hypertrophy, but certain types of stretching under resistance can greatly improve range of motion. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation stretching is done under resistance of either a resistance band, your own body weight, or another person pushing concentrically on a limb while the stretcher fires the muscle to cause force against the resistance. There is a risk for injury if done incorrectly, but if done correctly you can get really freakin' flexible to the point where guys can work up into full splits.

I used to PNF my hip flexors periodically when I used to run for prehab purposes. I should probably start doing it again.

As for a weighted stretch as in, stretching under resistance (not PNF), I know DC training utilizes it based on the notion of increased hyperplasia, based on studies conducted on animals and not humans.

Here is one:


Is this applicable to humans, though? How long were the animals under stretch anyway? Some person on the forum where I got this study from (BB.com) said in the thread that he read a similar study where the animal was stretching under resistance for 30 days to illicit similar results, but I don't know if that was just some idiot spewing lies. I couldn't find the length of the variable in the study. It might be in there, and if it is I might just be Stevie Wonder's long lost brother.

And remember that hyperplasia is different from hypertrophy. I only skimmed the study to find the quantifiable results as to both concepts.
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