Weights, cardio and stuff log

Deads; 5 - 70kg, 3 - 120kg, 1 - 170kg, 1 - 180kg, 1 - 190kg (warm ups, deficit); 1 - 200kg, BELT, 2 - 210kg, 2 - 215kg, 1 - 220kg, 1 - 230kg, 1 - 240kg, 1 - 250kg PR. 3,3 - 215kg.



Deads were good form and that 250kg was a fast (relative), good form, monster rep.

Right now my issue is that the bar is picking up friction on my upper thighs - it's literally shaving the damn hair off the middle of each thigh. Also focusing on accomplishing that on my shins. Hip hinge is continuing to work well, and Wednesday being designated 'deficit day' will hopefully keep everything in check. I realised I can't do regular deads on one day only, as I won't be coding often enough. I'm getting helluva lot more quads and leg drive these days, glutes are always sore etc.

WG pulls; 5 - 75kg (warm ups); 5 - 105kg, 5,5,5 - 112.5kg.

Second session;

Bench; 5 - 80kg, 4 - 100kg (warm ups); 1 - 120kg, 1 - 130kg, 2,3 PR, 2,2 - 135kg.

Good mornings; 3 - 105kg, 3 - 115kg, 2 - 125kg (warm ups); 5 - 135kg, 5 - 140kg, 5 - 145kg
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Yeah, that's a cool PR. Congrats on pulling that monster. How did you feel after the deadlifting was done? It's got to be holistically knackering. That's over 15 reps with not-insignificant loads.
A 272.25kg pull will get you in the 600 club with Totemtanz. Getting close.
What? If I feel powerful "after" deadlifting then I know I didn't try hard enough! Darn it, Jester! Get back in that gym and rip 275 off the floor! :P
I don't feel energetic afterwards, I feel like I just made a quarter tonne of steel my bitch. Ergo ... powerful ;)
C&P; assorted movement and warm ups - 40kg, 50kg (warm ups); 3,3 - 60kg, 3,3 - 80kg, 2,2 - 90kg. 100kg FAIL.

Lying supported rows; 3 - 60kg, 2 - 90kg, 2 - 120kg (warm ups); 4,4,4 - 140kg.
Awesome rows.
You'll be cleaning what you can row once you grab yourself some technique pie. Push-pressing or strict pressing once bar racked?
Strict, or maybe push with less than an inch of dip/push?

My technique for 80kg is a bit better. Still not awesome.

I prefer cleans to squats though. Thrice deadlifting and thrice squatting is probably not viable at my intensity, and definitely not w/out OWL shoes. OFC people somewhere are rolling over in graves or couches at the thought of less squats. Just not huge on them right now, but maybe with the OWL shoes and less stress across the anterior of the knee I might feel differently.

Also, b/t deads w/proper leg drive, deficits and good mornings ... my PC gets so much work as it is.
Deficit deads; 5 - 70kg, 3 - 120kg, 1 - 170kg, 1 - 180kg, 1 - 190kg (warm ups); 2 - 200kg, 2,2 - 210kg, 1,1 - 215kg, 1 - 220kg.

Deads; 4 - 210kg.

225 on the deficit wasn't budging today, but 220 rep was v.strong. I think I will stick to single reps from now on, for form purposes. I'm also less enthused about power cleans after the fatigue they seem to be inducing. Might just go back to standard OHP (not military) and squats.

WG pulls; 5 - 75kg (warm ups); 5 - 105kg, 5,5,5 - 112.5kg.

Second session;

Bench; 5 - 80kg, 4 - 100kg, 1 - 120kg (warm ups); 1 - 130kg, 1,1,1,2 - 137.5kg, 2,2 - 140kg PR.

Good mornings; 3 - 100kg, 3 - 120kg, 3 - 130kg (warm ups); 5 - 140kg, 5,5 - 145kg.
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Squats; 5 - 60kg, 4 - 80kg, 4 - 100kg (warm ups); 3 - 120kg, 3 - 125kg, 3 - 130kg, 3 - 135kg, 3 - 140kg. Adjusting my stance some, it's a bit wider, toes out, low bar. Feeling better.

Lying supported rows; 3 - 90kg, 3 - 120kg (warm ups); 4,4,4 - 140kg.

OHP; 5 - 60kg (warm ups); 4,4,4 - 80kg.
Strict, from the rack. Cleans are interfering w/deadlift recovery, at least the way I've set the program atm.
Deads; 5 - 70kg, 3 - 120kg, 1 - 170kg, 1 - 180kg, 1 - 190kg (warm ups, deficit); 1 - 200kg, BELT, 2 - 210kg, 2 - 215kg, 1 - 220kg, 1 - 225kg, 2,2,2,2 - 230kg PR. 4 - 200kg. Things were flying today, except for my second double at 230kg. It was a drag and I started going over the variables. Just needed a form check and for me, I find it helps to look upwards on the break - keeps my hips at the correct height, keeps quads and glutes properly involved. There was a few muscled-reps in there, but all of the 'first' reps were v.v.good. PR for volume at this load.

WG pulls; 5 - 75kg (warm ups); 5,5,5 - 112.5kg.

Second session;

Bench; 5 - 80kg, 4 - 100kg, 1 - 120kg (warm ups); 1 - 130kg, 2,2 - 137.5kg, 2,2,1 - 140kg.
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I love the simplicity of what you're doing here, Jester. It is refreshing and good to see that you are hitting PR's regularly. Cool deadlift session.
Are you maintaining body weight right now?
Cutting slowly. Probably around 400-500gms of fat per week.

Lifting is simple really. Somewhere along the way, someone decided that 'body building' needed a million different exercises, for a million exclusive muscle fibres. Just lift, eat, repeat and keep moving forward.
2hrs doubles badminton.


Lying supported rows; 3 - 60kg, 2 - 90kg, 2 - 120kg (warm ups); 4,4 - 140kg, 4 - 145kg.

Squats; 5 - 60kg, 4 - 80kg, 4 - 100kg (warm ups); 3 - 120kg, 3 - 130kg, 3,3,3 - 140kg. Getting there slowly. Hard to really figure this out after the badminton.

OHP; 5 - 60kg (warm ups); 4,4 - 80kg, 2 - 90kg.
Workout this morning is about three hours earlier than normal, for work reasons.

Deads; 5 - 70kg, 3 - 120kg, 1 - 170kg, 1 - 180kg, 1 - 190kg (warm ups, deficit); 1 - 200kg, 2 - 210kg, 2 - 215kg, BELT, 1 - 220kg, 1 - 230kg, 1 - 240kg, 250kg - FAIL. 5 - 210kg.

220 and 230 flew up, like, they were fast. 240 was harder, and 250 didn't break/budge. I realised that my positioning for 240 and 250 was mucked up, after the fact. Too far behind the bar, mimicking a squat too much, hips not high enough etc. My quads are I guess lower back are the most tired, but mainly quads, where as my hamstrings and glutes don't ever remember what happened (exaggeration, but not too much of an exaggeration). Bit bummed because I wanted to go after 255 or 260 today. But having said that - minor flaw, and back is happy to do 215 without a belt again, probably about 92% back to normal.

Wednesday will be all about working the hamstrings and leg drive, highlighting the form etc. Friday will stay as 'heavy volume' day and I'll continue to work on 230kg doubles, with Monday next week a big day perhaps - will remain as max testing.