Weights/HIIT cardio and Post workout Nutrition


New Member

Right here it is. I am currently doing 3 sessions a week of HIIT cardio. I would prefer to do it in the morning but at the moment, thats not possible. At the moment I am doing my cardio after my weights workout. With this in mind when/how should i take post workout nutrition?

I currently have a whey isolate, creatine and some form of cardohydrate. Should I have the protein shake straight after the weights and then have the creatine and carbs or visa versa. I don't want to really be doing HIIT with all that stuff slosshing around in my stomach. Any thoughts, very welcome? Also whatt would be a good source of the right carbs right after training, that could be added to protein shake if needed?
If you are doing the cardio for more than 20 minutes, than get your post-WO nutrition before the cardio. Otherwise, the window of time is small and meaningless.
eventually i will be upto 15 mins cardio.  But by the time I have got changed, warmed up, stretched I think it will be more like 25-30 mins after my weights that I finish my cardio.  Do you think I should still have post workout stuff after the weights?  Or could I split it maybe?  Protein after the weights and then creatine and carbs after the cv?  What would be a good form of carb to have?
(stu1508 @ Mar. 05 2008,08:41)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">eventually i will be upto 15 mins cardio. But by the time I have got changed, warmed up, stretched I think it will be more like 25-30 mins after my weights that I finish my cardio. Do you think I should still have post workout stuff after the weights? Or could I split it maybe? Protein after the weights and then creatine and carbs after the cv? What would be a good form of carb to have?</div>
That's a good idea, but I think you are worrying too much. Do you realize how long it takes to digest your pre-WO nutrition?
I don't know how long it takes. Do you have any suggestions for the source of carbs? I thought maybe some Maltodextrin, that way I could mix the creatine in
(stu1508 @ Mar. 05 2008,09:25)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Do you have any suggestions for the source of carbs? I thought maybe some Maltodextrin, that way I could mix the creatine in</div>
You might try some high molecular weight carbohydrates, like Vitargo. It's expensive, but way more effective than maltodextrin. Nutrex (or somebody) has it available with the creatine already mixed in.
I'm in a similar situation, lifting and then an hour of cardio. I follow up with a mix of Endurox and creatine. But I'm not currently happy with my results, so perhaps you should NOT do this...
(TunnelRat @ Mar. 06 2008,04:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You might try some high molecular weight carbohydrates, like Vitargo. It's expensive, but way more effective than maltodextrin.</div>
Or you could use maltodextrin, save a heap of money, and achieve the same results.
just wondering if there are anymore views on this? I'm not sure if to have the whey after weights, then do cardio and then the carbs. I guess in some ways it would make sense to do it that way but maybe having the carbs first would give me more energy to do the HIIT
In my simple understandings, protein is first, making sure you always have it in you...before your worry about your gatorade...and whey is sort of predigested (*go ahead and correct me Aaron..!) and works quickly in the accellerated protein synthesis period after a workout (but you can injest it before the workout) and is another way to get your protein quota in.
Fats should be avoided around any workouts since they slow digestion.
I don't know the latest science around carbs in a workout for the purposes of cutting.
Hydrolysed whey is 'pre digested' to an extent. Normal whey is quickly digested anyway, because its a soluble protein and ejected happily from the stomach, and made available to the digestive enzymesi n the small intestine.
I was speaking to someone about this last night and they said I should drink the protein straight after my weights. I should then mix the Vitargo CGL whilst I get changed and star to drink it a couple of minutes into my cv. I am wondering if this would hinder the benefits of HIIT (fat loss etc) or the fact that HIIT raises metabolic rate would mean that I could drink the Vitargo CGL during my HIIT? Anymore thoughts/suggestions? I keep thinking that it would be ok to have the Vitargo CGL after my cv as I will be done in about 20 minutes but the back of the tub says straight after training
I'm pretty sure whatever you put in your stomach before HIIT will at least in part be used to fuel your cardiovascular endeavors, even straight protein, whether you have just lifted or not. This means part of your PWO shake will not go where you want it to go (&quot;into your muscles&quot;), but will rather be &quot;burned off,&quot; if you catch my drift. I believe this means less fat burning during your session (but perhaps less muscle loss than usual because of the quick fuel source available in your gut as well).
This combined with the fact that cardio tends to break down a bit of muscle anyway (depending on the type and timing, sometimes almost none, sometimes alot), and you having already put in an hour or so of lifting, meaning that your anabolic hormones are probably beginning to decline and your catabolic hormones are aching to climb, may be a quick recipe for a half baked cardio session that doesn't burn as much fat as you'd like and in addition partially sabotages your lifting/recovery. You may be dealing in multiple double edged swords.
That said, I happen to use this exact same method minus the PWO shake (I save that for after the HIIT), BUT I would be lying if I said I saw spectacular muscle gains. I tend to be a fat ***, and for me to be able to gain or maintain muscle while leaning out is enough to make me smile, and to this end 'our' method has worked wonders for me.
Then again I know guys that have gotten massive with 1 hr of lifting followed by 1 hr of cardio 6 days a week. Then again, most of these lads were on anabolic steroids.
I suspect if I just wanted to gain mass I'd ditch the cardio entirely. If I just wanted to burn fat I wouldn't have anything in my gut prior to starting the HIIT session and pray the catabolic effects are limited and outweighed by the anabolic effects of lifting weights. If I needed to do both at once I'd kiss my nuts goodbye and take a lot of drugs
. In my opinion though, everyone's body is different and there are no absolutes, you really have to find what works for you.