What is "doing negatives", what is a "dropset"?

doing negatives is when you ask a partner to lift the eccentric portion of the rep (like pushing up on a bench press) and then slowly lowering the bar for about 4 seconds.

the weight used for this is usually a weight you can't handle for more than 2 reps or some weight you can't handle on your own. that's why a partner has to lift it up for you and then the only thing you have to do now is to slowly lower the weight in the case of a bench press :)

im not a big fan of dropsets, i don't know how to execute them either :)
Found both on the web, so if anyone else needs:

From: Kevin Kane (frnkzk@Glue.umd.edu)
Subject: Re: Negatives

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Newsgroups: alt.sport.weightlifting, misc.fitness.weights
Date: 1996/12/07

David Grant wrote:
> What are negatives? I have seen this term mentioned in many FAQ articles
> on the internet. I've been weightlifting for one year now, and I am
> wondering what negatives are.

That is the part of the motion that is in the direction of gravity. For
example, it is the lowering of the weight in bicep curls or squats and
so on. It's mentioned because of "controlling the negative", which is
maintaining a certain muscle tension during the lowering of the weight,
as opposed to letting it just drop, which both gives the muscle a bit
more work, and invariably extends the life of the weight. :)
Kevin Kane <frnkzk@Glue.umd.edu>

(found from here)


Drop Sets

This entails doing a set to failure with a weight then immediately doing another set to failure with a lighter weight.

(found from here)