What's the point of zig-zagging?


New Member
I've read the FAQ and several threads about it, but I'm still curious why anyone would want to zig-zag.

Why would one choose to zig-zag instead of either 1) repeating each weight 2x to avoid it, or 2) repeating the 10 rep max for the 5's until it catches up?

Example 1:
Benchpress, 10-rep max is 205

1) 105,125,145,165,185,205
2) 165,165,185,185,205,205

Isn't #2 obviously more beneficial?

Example 2:

Benchpress, 5-rep max is 245

1) 145,165,185,205,225,245
2) 205,205,225,225,245,245
3) 205,205,205,205,225,245

Isn't #2 the best choice? And then #3?

Even though there is more progression in #1, how can one benefit from it (loads 1,2,3,4) if the muscle is already conditioned to that previous load (load 5)?

Personally I've been repeating each weight twice in order to avoid zig-zagging and still use large increments (5% of 1RM). Who zig-zags, and why?

It comes down to your deconditioning strategy, if you decondition enough then your #2 scenario, idea 1 (1, 145,165,185,205,225,245) would be very beneficial.

It also comes down to the degree of overlap in the zig zag, if the degree is 4 or more increments then IMHO, it would be best to duplicate the workouts. Unfortunately we are limited by our strength

Personally, I do not zig zag at all because I use clustering reps and work backwards from my 5 RM, repeating each increment one time. It has been the only way I can get any sensation of applying enough stress to the tissue throughout the cycle. But everyone is different.
Even if you SD really well, wouldn't using weight up to 205 in your 10's range condition your muscles so that using anything less than 205 in the 5's range would be somewhat useless for hypertrophy?

Also, would you please provide an example of your cluster-style, perhaps using my example weights (245 as a 5-rep max)? From that, I'll be able to figure out the other exercises.

Thanks :)
Which is why I said it also depends on the overlap. The effects of training with a particlular weight or intensity don't disapear simply because you back stepped one or two workouts. Now redoing a multitude of workouts wouldn't IMO be all that beneficial for hypertrophy but it is greatly predicted by your strength in each RM.

Clustering is simply setting a predetermined amount of reps for each exercise. So in my case I do 20 reps throughout the cycle for each exercise. In the case of say Bent row my workout would look like this.
20 reps of
Tue-135,Thur-135,Sat-145,Sun-145,Tue-155,Thur-155,Sat-165,Sun-165. Now I might only get 9 or ten reps the first cluster in the first workout, so I would continue to cluster mini sets (staying clear of failure) until I got 20 reps. As the intensity progressed, naturally, I would need more minisets to be able to get to 20 total reps.