When do you start to see growth?

Mr Anabolic

New Member
During the 10s, 5s or negs? I'm completing my last day of 15s (whole body -1 on, 1 off format) and don't see much difference. Towards the end of the workout I'm exhausted it's very hard to complete the last couple of exercises.

Yes, I'm doing everything else correctly (water, eating, sleeping, etc...).

I get the most growth during after working up to my 5 RM over 2 weeks and then doing another week of 5 RM's with drop sets. I need SD after that!
For me I start seeing gains near the end of my 10s... then I start picking up speed in the 5s... Finally, the most gains come from my 2+ weeks of negs. And like O&G, I too need SD after that =)
Thanks guys. I'm really excited about HST. I am noticing the weights getting lighter, but my ultimate goal is size.

Yesterday was my 6th day of the 15s and I felt extra strong, so I went for it... I squatted 265 for 20 reps. I haven't done that in 10 years! :D