Hi as I said in my first post I just took a week off training after 12 weeks of intense and heavy training(9-12 sets per bodypart,5-8 reps)i was training 4 days a week on a 3 day split
I want to try HST for the first time, but I know first I have to determine my 15sRM max,10sRM max and my 5sRM max
From what I read, after that I should take 9-16 days off training
But my problem is that I am currently ending a week off from training
So what should I do?
Go back to training on monday ,as I had planned,then find my 15sRM,10sRM and 5sRM and really take another week off before begining the cycle, to me it seems a lot of rest
or go back to training on monday, then train my whole body 3 times during the week, one day each for 15s,10s and 5s and find all 3 RM, then begin the normal cycle with 15s on next monday
help would be appreciated
if you have any suggestions,please feel free
I want to try HST for the first time, but I know first I have to determine my 15sRM max,10sRM max and my 5sRM max
From what I read, after that I should take 9-16 days off training
But my problem is that I am currently ending a week off from training
So what should I do?
Go back to training on monday ,as I had planned,then find my 15sRM,10sRM and 5sRM and really take another week off before begining the cycle, to me it seems a lot of rest
or go back to training on monday, then train my whole body 3 times during the week, one day each for 15s,10s and 5s and find all 3 RM, then begin the normal cycle with 15s on next monday
help would be appreciated
if you have any suggestions,please feel free