Workout order and nutrition abosroption

My question is this. Will the last bodypart that you workout, within in your whole body workout, absorb the most protein. Say you do shoulders last and chest first, will your shoulders absorb more protein than chest, since your shoulders are pumped but you're chest are not pumped anymore, because you worked it first?
Hey :)

Good question!

But as far as I remember, the "pump" really isn't what matters when it comes to absorption. As long as the exercises for all bodyparts were effective, all of them are primed to take in nutrition simply because they need it after the workout as replenishment and for adaptation. Think of it this way: muscle carbohydrate stores and muscle protein structures are broken down by our exercise, the immune system cleans up the mess, and then signals are sent to tell the body to rebuild the whole thing. This is why we need food to supply them with materials needed to rebuild. Which is more pumped really has little effect. And generally, by the time the food you take in is digested (anywhere from 30minutes to an hour or longer after your workout), that pump is no more, so again, it doesn't matter.

Nobody in the history of the world has ever gained muscle mass at the gym! The protein synthesis start to take place after the workout when you have caused microtrauma to your muscles. So it doesn`t matter, as stated!