A few things...
So, I've been dialing down the calories all this year...
The last time I SD 'ed was last year, I think.... Been working in the 8 to 12 rep range all this year. Steady weight except it I feel a strain then I'll reduce weight and climb back up again in subsequent workouts.
Simplified exercises somewhat from before.... Main workout is every other day now, not everyday with upper/lower split. Just compound lifts. Added some cardio every other off day and single joint, high rep work on the other off days (bi's and tri's and shoulders).
Now, without bulking in the typical sense (except last year where I tried, got sick a couple of times, workouts suffered and got 20lbs fat), I have most definitely put on a good amount of muscle!
I easily look preworkout BIGGER than I did post workout-pump all over from 6 months ago...probably the best growth I've ever had over a set period.
And at the same time, been dropping the fat (visually, with abs poking thru, waist narrowing, not measured with calipers).
Again, I'm going to say CARB BACK LOADING... Lol
Been following that regiment except weekends where my fast cutoff comes sooner and calories are higher.
I have to think that 1) carb replenishing helps with workouts for sure, and the insulin spike helps with muscle growth and 2) my body fat is helping fuel/rebuild new muscle stimulus..?
Of course, it's no where near as efficient using stored fat for the raw energy to build new muscle (keeping in mind protein intake is still up in the 1g /1lbs or better) than it would be with excess 500 or 750 extra calories a day over maintenance....
But in convinced you can build muscle and at the same time, burn fat.
But a couple of take aways... I probably could of had more growth with a typical excess calories bulk, but at the same time, I would certainly be a lot further behind with my fat loss.
And if course, if you're already down in the single digits percentage of fat, good luck!
Oh.... And my weight loss. I've been complaining that the weight hasn't been coming off, and this is true. But I can see now that the muscle is building and the fat is burning, hence what the scales are telling me.
So, I've been dialing down the calories all this year...
The last time I SD 'ed was last year, I think.... Been working in the 8 to 12 rep range all this year. Steady weight except it I feel a strain then I'll reduce weight and climb back up again in subsequent workouts.
Simplified exercises somewhat from before.... Main workout is every other day now, not everyday with upper/lower split. Just compound lifts. Added some cardio every other off day and single joint, high rep work on the other off days (bi's and tri's and shoulders).
Now, without bulking in the typical sense (except last year where I tried, got sick a couple of times, workouts suffered and got 20lbs fat), I have most definitely put on a good amount of muscle!
I easily look preworkout BIGGER than I did post workout-pump all over from 6 months ago...probably the best growth I've ever had over a set period.
And at the same time, been dropping the fat (visually, with abs poking thru, waist narrowing, not measured with calipers).
Again, I'm going to say CARB BACK LOADING... Lol
Been following that regiment except weekends where my fast cutoff comes sooner and calories are higher.
I have to think that 1) carb replenishing helps with workouts for sure, and the insulin spike helps with muscle growth and 2) my body fat is helping fuel/rebuild new muscle stimulus..?
Of course, it's no where near as efficient using stored fat for the raw energy to build new muscle (keeping in mind protein intake is still up in the 1g /1lbs or better) than it would be with excess 500 or 750 extra calories a day over maintenance....
But in convinced you can build muscle and at the same time, burn fat.
But a couple of take aways... I probably could of had more growth with a typical excess calories bulk, but at the same time, I would certainly be a lot further behind with my fat loss.
And if course, if you're already down in the single digits percentage of fat, good luck!
Oh.... And my weight loss. I've been complaining that the weight hasn't been coming off, and this is true. But I can see now that the muscle is building and the fat is burning, hence what the scales are telling me.