Recent content by bigben

  1. B

    Protein smell/taste

    low carb 'pancakes' : 1 egg, 1 tablespoon cottage cheese. blend and fry in a nonstick pan or use just enough oil in a normal pan to stop it sticking. it's cheap, tastes ok and has about 10g protein each.
  2. B

    cutting and bulking in the same cycle

    I meant because the intensity would be lower on the lighter weights, which would be easier for those on low carb/low cal diets. (having said that, let me correct myself and note that the second week of 15's can be quite gruelling as you approach RM's). I read a few posts saying most of their...
  3. B

    cutting and bulking in the same cycle

    it seems to me that the light weight high rep phase of the 15's and possibly the first week of 10's is a good workout regime for cutting diets. Is it adviseable to cut for the first 3 weeks and bulk for the other 5? Does anyone go below maintainence for part of the cycle and then eat over...
  4. B

    Best exercice for V shape

    what exercise would you guys recommend for someone who can't even do one chin-up or pull up? I do close grip pull downs and wide grip seated rows at the moment.
  5. B

    low carb and low calorie

    very informative post bluze, thanks. I think I'll stick to a minimum of 1500 cals per day (not including 2 tablespoons flax)
  6. B

    Ephedrine and BPH

    like restless, I took 75mg a day for two months, followed by a 2 month break and then 75mg a day for another two months. (Info on the stack I took here ) I developed severe symptoms during my second cycle, which ended in having to be catherised in the emergency room because of acute urinary...
  7. B

    low carb and low calorie

    Hi all, great forum. some excellent advice here and I hope I can get some more advice about a specific query. I weigh about 220 lbs with a high bodyfat level (> 35%). From everything I've read, I need to be shooting for about 2500 cals a day to create a deficit of 500 cals, or to use the...