Recent content by Body By Cookies And Cake

  1. B

    Need help with how many calories im eating

    hi just wondering if someone could give me an idea of my calorie intake for the day, i eat the same mon-fri and ease up on the weekend meal 1 : misc ceral 2 cups with 1 1/2 cups of skim milk And 1/2 cup cottage cheese meal 2: 2 sandwiches, slice of gouda cheese, 50 grams roast beef...
  2. B

    resting metabolic rate and women

    Hi, how do you get your resting metabolic rate when counting calories? So when a girl wants to diet to lose weight, does she have stay under her daily calorie intake or will she still lose weight by meeting her daily intake with out going over? If she needs to stay under, is there a formula on...