Recent content by SilverBullet

  1. S

    Results After 2 Cycles And Some Random Thoughts

    Still didn't find anything relevant. I came across some that you recommended in another thread Pull-ups and dips I already mentioned that I can do those. I don't have a smith machine or any machine except a half-rack Anything in particular for legs if I don't own a machine? I am not sure...
  2. S

    Results After 2 Cycles And Some Random Thoughts

    I tried searching google for a couple of minutes nothing relevant came up. I workout from my garage. I have a half-squat rack with safety bars. I know I can do negatives for DLs, Squats, Bench except I have to rerack the weights after each rep. I am not sure I like that idea. Is this what you...
  3. S

    Results After 2 Cycles And Some Random Thoughts

    Just finished my 9th week with Cycle 2. Loving the gains. Thanks to the members that suggested I add some accessory lifts for legs. It has really helped me gain strength with deadlifts and squats. Attached is the spreadsheet with all the numbers that would be of interest. I am not too thrilled...
  4. S

    Advice With Leg Routine Next Cycle

    You guys are throwing me a lot of good information and advice and I am trying to process all this and make sure I understand. Are you recommending to drop deads altogether? But this one of the 3 major lifts, no? I really want to improve my form on the deadlift, and try to find a style that...
  5. S

    Advice With Leg Routine Next Cycle

    Right now I am working out from my garage. I have a half rack and an Ironmaster bench plus bar and plates. It sounds really stupid but the only time I've hurt myself (lower back) is on a leg press machine. I am guessing I brought my legs too far down and my "butt wink" caused a tweak. Since...
  6. S

    Advice With Leg Routine Next Cycle

    So,I am really tall and my legs are lagging behind in hypertrophy (and strength), or at least it seems that way due to my height. I've been doing pretty basic lower body routine, Mon,Fri Squats and Weds Conventional Deadlift. I've added some romanian deadlift on Mon and Fri for the first 6...
  7. S

    Results From My First Cycle Back. Looking For Some Advice.

    Thanks for the stretching advice, guys. Will make the adjustments in the next cycle.
  8. S

    Results From My First Cycle Back. Looking For Some Advice.

    This is definitely news for me. Based on a google search apparently these static stretching studies were done in the last couple of years. I also had to look up the difference between static and dynamic. Based on the definition looks like I do a half-ass static stretch. I stretch the muscle but...
  9. S

    Results From My First Cycle Back. Looking For Some Advice.

    from the ebook: "Rest periods? This isn't terribly important either. Rest long enough to regain your strength for the next set. " " In the late 5s, you may have to rest up to five minutes between sets of heavy squats, just to catch your breath" " During the heavier end of the cycle, if you do...
  10. S

    Results From My First Cycle Back. Looking For Some Advice.

    So technically I stretch 15min before and 15min after the workout. For weeks 7,8,9 and I also do warm up sets. And I use a 5min timer between sets. I definitely have to look at the ebook because I didn't think rest between sets mattered. If I don't rest 5min there is no way I will get my reps...
  11. S

    Results From My First Cycle Back. Looking For Some Advice.

    I told you my legs are weaksauce. The long limb struggle is real! It could be mental or I have a really bad sticking point right at around parallel and get stuck in the hole. I haven't figured it out yet. Lots to learn and Improve. Sigh. Thanks for checking out the form. I appreciate it. I'll...
  12. S

    Results From My First Cycle Back. Looking For Some Advice.

    Adpowah, thanks for the feedback and tips. So technically this isn't my first cycle. I ran 6 cycles of HST back in '08 and this is my first time back. During the 5 bulk cycles I gained about 18lbs of muscle (along with about 12-15lbs of fat). So that about averages out to a little less than 4lbs...
  13. S

    Results From My First Cycle Back. Looking For Some Advice.

    Just finished my first cycle back from a 6 year hibernation period. One thing is for certain, I am not quitting this time around. Everything about this routine is amazing. The anticipation before the cycle starts gives me butterflies. The steady buildup of weight over the course of 6 weeks keeps...
  14. S

    Back To Hst After 6 Years. Previous Gains. New Goals And Concerns

    That's such a great statement and advice. Achieving goals is what motivates me to work hard. If I was to change my goals midway I would completely lose interest. On a side note, referring back to the interesting conversation above, I wasn't really aware that 10% bf is not healthy (or easy) to...
  15. S

    Back To Hst After 6 Years. Previous Gains. New Goals And Concerns

    I stopped weightlifting after 2009 so I stopped keeping track of calories altogether. MyFitnessPal would have saved me so much time back then, but smart phones were very new. If I ever decide to count calories again, that app is awesome. It pretty much does everything that I did but so much easier.