_tim's Log

Hey Tim, good work on the deads. Got any CoC grippers? If not, you might find that a No. 1.5 or No. 2 gripper is all you need to take your grip strength and stamina to the next level.
What load for PD's?
Thanks Lol! I have a gripper but I don't think it's a CoC. I should definitely start using it, regardless. The PD load was 125.

Bench: 8 x 5 @ 195

Squats: 4 x 10 @ 225

I adjusted form to attempt to move to high bar, but best I can tell, I was doing "mid" bar. The bar sank off the top of my traps but did not go all the way to the top of my rhomboids. Make sense? Regardless, I felt a ton more in my glutes today and not as much in my lumbar spine. So - I think it was better form wise. I definitely will be investing in knee sleeves soon for some added support; I don't have any issues to report, but given my age I just think it appropriate. I still do these sans-belt, and am not decided as to whether or not that will change.

Cable Row: 2 x 20 @ 130
Second set was RP'd 15-5, with 5 breaths between RP sets.

Pretty happy - none of the 5's or 10's were RP'd or clustered. Progress!
Squats: 4 x 10 @ 225
I adjusted form to attempt to move to high bar, but best I can tell, I was doing "mid" bar. The bar sank off the top of my traps but did not go all the way to the top of my rhomboids.

Sounds like a low bar squat where the bar is in the right spot lol. There actually isn't a ton of distance between where the bar would be on either lift. The distance essentially is top of traps vs bottom of traps. A low bar squat is a lot more glute dominant so maybe you've just inadvertently corrected yourself.
Could be, TD. Not sure what the official form was, but it was definitely different.

Fatigue is a bitch
Pullups/NG Chin/Chin: BW (221 lbs) 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 3

Weight-Assisted Pullups: 30 x 3; 60 (fail)

My my my - this was rough, and showed me that a few changes are necessary for this setup. The RP'ing started with set 4, and progressed as follows: 4-1, 3-1-x, 3-x. Ugly stuff.

Deads: 215 x 10, 10, 4
Sacked for energy; I stopped when form became an issue.

Pulldowns: 150 x 10
Angry at my back - so more punishment.

Tire Flip: 275 x 1
A couple dudes were doing them, so I gave it a go after I stretched.

Tomorrow will be assistance work and likely some cardio. I think likely I will separate work sessions going forward strategically. How exactly - not sure yet.
Get-Back Session
SA DB Rows: 8 x 5 @85

Bench: 185 x 10, 10, 5; 155 x 15

I purposefully went heavier than I thought I could do in 4 sets. The second set was RP'd 9-1, the third 3-1 and the fourth 9-3-3. I got the intended effort out of the sets.

Squats: 205 x 12
I was out of both time and energy after the 12th rep.

I'm going to change things up, but how I'm still figuring out. I was just happy to find the time to lift today.

I travel all next week; I'm hoping to find a decent gym in Denver, CO to hit a few times. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.
Hi All! Happy 2015! I have been training and figuring out my next lifting adventure. Ultimately, I'm going to make something of a big change to the way I train, and that is born out of a couple things. 1) I need a change. 2) I need a challenge, but one that I can actually handle. As such, I'm going to do my implementation of Dr. Squat's ABC program, albeit with quite a few changes. I'm not going to outline the precise layout as that would take quite a bit of typing that I, frankly am not terribly apt to do at the moment. Suffice to say - there are 3 workouts. A, B and C, and the template is split out by muscle group. In other words, you can do an A, B and C workouts within a single lifting session. A is light with light intensity. B is more your typical. moderately challenging workout. C is insanity - intentional overloads and volume to destroy muscle groups. The whole thing is periodized by day/week. A workouts need a day rest, B need 2 and C need 3 (by muscle group). I've laid out a template for a 4-week test, and with some luck I will start things on Monday. This is a version of a template I used quite a few years ago - but is updated with the knowledge I've gained in that time.

I actually did a bit of "vanilla" HST after some business travel (where I did a bunch of cardio) and kinda liked it but it was still too similar in approach to what I had been doing - the whole notion of full-body training. German Volume training is a bit too far advanced for me volume-wise so that attempt, too, was a failure. So - this template is one that I'm sure a few will question and others will outright dislike and make that well known. That is absolutely fine - and I encourage the banter. I'm flipping to BB world for a bit; I expect there to be some raised eyebrows and a few that positively say I'm an idiot. This I know, and reminding me as such is absolutely fine. Regardless of anything else - this is gonna be fun.
A Start and a Pause...

Legs(A) - A
Back - C

Squats: 3 x 6 @ 165

Pullups: BW x 5, 3
SA DB Row: 2 x 12 @ 80
Supinated Grip Pulldown: 2 x 12 @ 130
WG Cable Row: 2 x 40 @ 50

The A routines are moderate in both load and volume; it was a nice warmup for the back work. C routines are supposed to be crazy hard - and this one was. It's supposed to be done in "Giant set" fashion but with the way my gym is laid out, there is a small break in between lifts. That said, the first round went ok. The second - RP's everywhere. The DB Rows were basically done 6-2-2-2 for both arms, the Pullups were 2-1, the Pulldowns were 8-3 and the Rows were 29-11. On the 40's - they are intended to be slow, nonstop reps that recruit slow-twitch fibers. In the end - wicked fun and a crazy challenge.

The pause... I was in a car accident yesterday - went to the hospital. Nothing is broken but I'm very sore - and I don't have a ride. So - workouts will resume in a few days.
Back to it

Chest - A
Abs - A
Shoulders - B
Biceps - C

Bench: 3 x 6 @ 175

The load here was a tad higher than it should have been programmatically; there was no RP'ing but my fibers were touched a bit harder than they should for an A.

Hang TTB: 12, 12
I did these supersetted with the first two bench work sets. I'm very unconditioned; that needs to change.

Straight Bar Front Raise: 3 x 6 @ 65
Kinda nice to hit my anterior delts directly again. Me likey.

DB Lateral Raise: 2 x 12 @ 25's
Per Lol's rules - each rep was like pouring water out of a jug. Delts were HIT!

I know there will be scoffing and otherwise...
BB Curls: 2 x 5 @ 75
Seated DB Curls: 2 x 12 @ 30's
Cable Curls (V-Bar): 2 x 40 (50?) @ 30

The last set of 40/50 was delayed and hence outside the boundary of the "giant set". But - my bi's were fatigued and the break allowed me to get the 40 (50?) reps. I lost count both sets and think I may have done two sets of 50.

Nice to be back. ISO haters, begin your rants.

Triceps - A
Legs (A) - B

Squats: 3 x 6 @ 225

Front Squats: 2 x 12 @ 135

My wrist flexibility is awful. Got all the reps in, but the form was anything but good.

Skullz: 3 x 6 @ 85
Elbows in.

I'm almost back from the accident - headaches and ribs have been very problematic. Gotta fight through and lift - I'll never get through this thing without blood flow.
Sorry Tim, haven't been around a lot lately so I didn't read about your accident until just now. I hope everything is alright now. Did your insurance cover anything?
Thanks Tot - much appreciated! Things are slowly getting better - but lifting is definitely helping with the BB focus. My neck is still very problematic, but having done this before I know what I can and can't (or shouldn't) do to help heal. My ribs are almost back to normal and my headaches are less frequent and less intense. The other guy's insurance is being difficult, but my lawyer is amazing and is doing me proud. Hoping all is resolved soon, but I'm not holding my breath. My brand new, rather expensive SUV was totaled because of the crash that ultimately impacted 6 vehicles. So - though my claim is among the most gnarly, I'm not alone.

WO updates coming soon.
Finally, a return to ABC

Legs(A) - A
Back - C

Squats: 3 x 6 @ 185

This is heavier than what is prescribed for an A workout (as written) but I think I'm going to look at A's a little bit differently this time. I believe the program is to do a 3 x 6 at 40% of your 1-rep max. If that were what I did, my 1-rep max would be 462.5 currently, and I can nearly promise that I'd be lucky to break 325 right now. Honestly, I see an A workout as being three work sets that won't require days of rest to recover, but will be enough to get your heart rate going. 185 was about right for that - maybe a smidge light. Regardless, it just felt good to do squats again.

NG Pullps: BW x 5, 2-1-x
DB Row: 80 x 12, R-8-2-2, L-7-2-1-2-1
WG Pulldown: 140 x 10-2; 120 x 12
Cable Row: 2 x 40 @ 50

The lactic acid was flowing nicely; all clusters were RP-based and each break did not escape 5 breaths. I knew that there would be struggle to get all reps in, but coming close after this long a layoff, a cold and the remnants of the injuries, and I'm happy.

Fingers crossed, training is back on the radar for me. Previous to today were 6 workouts that were mostly therapy-based; lots of lighter weights and higher reps, mostly focused on my back and shoulders.
Hey Tim, I just read about your accident! That really sucks. :( Hope you are feeling a whole lot better now and the insurance is at least on the way to being sorted.

All the best with your new program. Good to read that you're going to be doing plenty of squatting. I look forward to seeing how this schedule works out for you.
Thanks Lol! I'm definitely getting better - my injury fallout is not constant as it was. The insurance nonsense is still ongoing, but it is moving forward. In terms of the program, I have legs A and B segments; legs A is squat-heavy and legs B is split between squats and deadlifts. I'm still doing a bunch of squats, but not as much as Dr. Hatfield prescribed; I can't fathom programming something for myself with and absence of deads when the goal is not just hypertrophy but strength as well.

On to today's fun...

Chest - A
Shoulders - B
Biceps - C

Pause Bench: 3 x 6 @ 175

Front Raise: 3 x 6 @ 55

Lateral Raise: 2 x 12 @ 20's

Load was kept low to persist a large, clean range of motion.

BB Curl: 65 x 5; 75 x 5
DB Curl: 30's x 12; 35's x 12
Cable Row: 2 x 40 @ 37.5

The first round was way too easy given the fact that the sets were kept very close to the intended "giant" set. The increased load was quite nice in terms of overall stress on the fibers.

Rollout: 7, 2
Core is still a little mad from a home workout I did late last week - and the fatigue I had at this point was very tangible.

Two in a row. Fingers crossed the goal of 4 a week is going to happen.
Time has not been my friend at all.

Triceps - A
Legs (A) - B
Biceps - A
Chest - 1/2 B

Skullz: 3 x 6 @ 65

BB Curls: 3 x 6 @ 75

Bench Press: 3 x 6 @ 175

Squats: 3 x 6 @ 225

Front Squats: 2 x 12 @ 135

RP's galore. First set 5-7, second 7-4-1. The 1 because the bar slipped after 4. Still very much refining my technique here.

The rest I had no time for (1 lift + Abs). This was essentially 2 workouts put together; the tricep work would never be done on a chest day. I did so for a light overload knowing that workouts this week are going to be hard to come by.

Squats: 3 x 6 @ 225

Bench: 3 x 6 @ 185

3rd set RP'd 5-1; 5 breath break.

BB Curl: 3 x 6 @ 50?
Not sure of the load given the bar. Form wise, I never relaxed after the eccentric portion of the movement; constant tension was the goal.

Front Squats: 95 x 11, 4
Really trying to figure out form more than anything. I was putting too much stress on my knees in the first set - need to research this a bunch more to get my form corrected.

SA DB Press: 50 x 12, 60 x 12
SA DB Seated Curl: 2 x 12 @ 35

Nice little superset to round out the first workout in two weeks.

The thought here was Push B's with curls. Next one will be pull B's with tricep work. Then - hopefully back to the ABC cadence again next week.

In other news - based on my last PT session, all damage from the accident is now healed. I think the tiny bit of lifting and rest helped - but no matter what, I am happy that at least that part of the saga is now complete. Hope you all are well.
Hey Tim, very glad to hear you are now healed up and back in action.
Front squats have grown on me immensely. Having a heeled shoe (eg. olympic lifting shoe) may help you with your form for front squats (and high-bar back squats) if your ankles are a little tight as it reduces the amount of ankle dorsiflexion required. It also helps to think of your torso dropping straight down between your legs rather than sitting back as you would in a low-bar BS. If you have long femurs this is going to be harder than if you don't. I've found paused front squats have really helped me to work on my bottom position (knees out, hips forward) while maintaining lumbar extension.
Thanks Lol - very good suggestions. I'm going to keep working at it for sure.


Deadlifts: 275 x 6, 3

OK - this was plain stupid. My core was nowhere close to being strong enough for this and I paid for it. I have a low back pull as I know I shifted my weight and overloaded my back, primarily because I was off balance using mixed grip. Soooo..... Resting today aside from some very light calisthenics at home and starting light rehab tomorrow in the gym among heavier upper body work. Dumb! I know better, and because I've done this before, I know how to heal it. I did the rest of the workout hoping to start the healing process with extra blood flow. The tri work was strictly assistance.

Reverse Hyper: 2 x 12 @ BW

Pulldowns: 3 x 6 @ 145

Rope Tricep Extension: 90 x 12; 3 x 12 @ 110

Cable Row: 2 x 12 @ 110
Rehab and a correction...

Reverse Hypers: 3 x 12 @ 20

Pulldowns: 130, 140, 150 X 12

150 set RP'd 8-4

Machine Delt Fly: 2 x 12 @ 110

Roman Chair Hypers: 12, 12
K2C: 20, 12

No breaks whatsoever between all four sets.

Cable 21's: 110, 117.5
Love these when the loads increase and there is fatigue.

Reverse Hypers: 20 x 10

OK - so the correction here is in terminology. What I had been calling Reverse Hypers were actually Roman Chair Hypers. I apologize for the years of calling this wrongly.
Bench: 155, 185, 205, 215 x 6; 135 x 9 paused
Last set of 6 was RP'd 5-1 with a 4-breath RP.

WG Cable Row: 145, 150, 165, 170 x 6

Dips: BW x 12, 8
NG Chin: BW x 5, 2 + 2 bounce

Kinda nice to challenge myself a bit. I very much doubt that I will be lifting this weekend, so a nice way to end the week. Back feels much, much better, but I will take posterior chain work rather slowly for at least the next couple weeks.