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  1. B

    Value of Squatting

    Okay this isn't really important But I was explaining to a leg presser today the importance of squatting. And I wasn't too successful. Hypertrophy-wise, is there any benefit to squatting that can't be achieved with the combination of leg-pressing, SLDL's and regular deads? I know squats are...
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    Workout Routine

    looks like a lot.
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    Do you need to shock with food too?

    um shocking the muscles? No, that doesn't do anything.
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    What do you guys think of German Volume Training

    after the first workout you will be sore as hell, provided you do everything right and long enough. After that, it'll depend. My back still gets really sore for at least 2 days, chest and shoulders usually only last one day after the workout, legs stay sore for at least 2 days and triceps and...
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    What do you guys think of German Volume Training

    xahrx, how have your strength/size gains been? I did a little bit of DC and I think the combination of rest pause and infrequent use of a specific movement was great for strength. The 3 different exercises I think is the key for it, and the reason some people have trouble gaining strength with...
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    PLs. critique my diet

    first of all, most likely, that is way too many calories. That is 23 times your bodyweight. As for fat, eat nuts. Natural peanut butter and walnuts are where I get most of my fat, plus there will naturally be fat in the meat you eat.
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    The most nutritious vegetable

    worst post ever?
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    endomorphic bodybuilding

    for a biochemistry major, you sure have a poor understanding of this stuff........
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    flax seed oil

    what and where? That's a great deal.
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    endomorphic bodybuilding

    this is the strangest thing I've ever seen at these boards.
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    Decreasing Planes of Motion?

    sounds more like a lack of shoulder flexibility to me. The extra range of motion is at the most stretched position, the area where you'd most like to have more ROM.
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    um, what? Why would you use the largest increments on the lowest weights? Not only will you end up with harshly light weights for the beginning of your cycle, you'll be incrementing rather insignificantly during the heavier portion, when conditioning is greater and larger increments are...
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    Decreasing Planes of Motion?

    what it comes down to is that there is a maximum strength output for any muscle. Maybe you can do 10 reps with 80 pounds dumbells, 180 pounds with a barbell, or 220 pounds on some machine press. There is a maximum amount of strain that can be achieved and absolute load is not the only factor...
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    The gym is defo a catch22 situation

    yeah this is definately a personal issue. There is no intrinsic "point" of training. If you're not really into it, it's doubtful you'll achieve meaningful results. As far as drinking enough to throw up regularly, I dunno. That's pretty awful. Have you really been that unable to learn...
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    Customizing HST

    he has. look for the "customizing hst" thread.
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    Customizing HST

    he has. look for the "customizing hst" thread.
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    Multiple sets vs. multiple exercises

    I've found that strength wise, multiple exercises helps a lot. Like Jules said, the recruitment patterns differ. For example, lets say I have two choices: A. Bench, Bench B. Dip, Bench I've found that on my second set, which will be bench in either case, I can have a more productive set on...
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    Squats and Testosterone

    it's not true. It's a myth that squats (or anything) will create any significant sustained hormone release.
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    Fat Instead of Muscle when Trying to Gain Mass

    wow dan.  It's been a while since we've seen some new pictures and it looks like you got a LOT bigger.  Granted, it's not a great angle (the most recent pic) but from what I can tell, you look a lot larger than that second pic, which I've seen several times.  Nice work. I assume you've posted...
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    My Proposed 6-Day Routine

    I'm gonna. I sure need it. It's also pretty minimal as far as cost to benefits, even if it does virtually nothing it won't be wasting too much time or energy. good call.