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  1. B

    BMR and weight loss stall

    try eating less/exercising more. but seriously, the formulas won't always accurately predict your BMR.
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    Don't want to start anything

    everyone, just ignore Vince. Trust me, don't bait him into an argument because he'll never stop.
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    Recommended Amount of Good Fats

    especially if you get one that has filtered out other contaminants. look for fish oil that has no cholesterol.
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    Calorie Confusion (need help)

    exactly and in this case, the research largely contradicts popular bodybuilding lore. That doesn't mean that there are no (general health) benefits to eating the way Old and Grey advocates (indeed, there are!) But body-composition-wise, it should be understood that this sort of diet is...
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    Calorie Confusion (need help)

    ummm... guys? In case you forgot (or didn't know), it's Aaron's job (profession, does it every day) to read and understand this research. How about instead of focusing on his politeness, we focus on the FACTS. That is, after all, the point. Misinformation is still misinformation, even if it is...
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    Reviews of Training Programs

    well this is what I'm doing and have been very happy with. Monday: Bench 5x5, either all sets with the same weight or a slight wave (ie. 205, 215, 225, 215, 205) Squat 5x5, all with the same weight. brutal. Row 5x5, same weight all sets. Curls 1-2 x 8 Calves x2 Weds Military 3-4 x 5...
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    Calorie Confusion (need help)

    go ahead, if you are eating below maintenance you'll still lose weight. do some decent weight training and get adequate protein, and most of what you lose will be fat, especially in people who are at higher bodyfat levels. and that study was pretty much irrelevant, since we are talking about...
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    Calorie Confusion (need help)

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    Calorie Confusion (need help)

    great except he weighs 250 and has 190 pounds of FFM. He isn't competing any time soon so drying out is definately not a priority. He needs to lose fat, which changing calorie sources won't change, as long as they provide iscaloric diets.
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    how much sugar is ok?

    yeah and after a while your body adjusts and it doesn't really matter anymore.
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    Reviews of Training Programs

    I'm doing it. It works. My strength has been flying. Combine that with over-eating, and you get bigger.
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    ZMA will not do anything GH-wise. GH supplements are a joke.
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    how much sugar is ok?

    there's not so much inherently wrong with it, as long as calories are controlled for. The problem is how easy it is to overconsume.
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    dont know anything about DHEA, but don't bother with ZMA.
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    Ultimate Diet 2.0

    you are completely missing the point. If you have questions about UD2, buy the book.
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    Ultimate Diet 2.0

    ketones are not needed for fuel. ketosis is a result, but not the goal.
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    New pic is up after cutting cycle

    jw, are you flexing the abs in that photo? looks great by the way.
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    Hating weekends

    then have one. If you work the rest of your diet around it, nothing bad will happen.
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    Cheerios vs. Oatmeal

    so what?