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  1. B

    Growing muscle, outside the body!

    I'd say it's possible, although it's doubtful that it will reach a cosmetic point in our lifetimes, it's just not much of a priority. More of repairing muscle in muscle-wasting patients I'd assume and even that is probably a long ways off.
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    Warm up sets for 5RM

    I think for a 5RM this is a good idea. Not just from a physical warmup standpoint, but also to prep you, strength-wise.
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    Growing muscle, outside the body!

    soon, we will actually be putting on muscle overnight.
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    Digestive Enzymes

    there's your problem. just kidding, I assume there was a typo in there the only advice is really to eat more. if you aren't gaining weight of any kind, you aren't eating enough.
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    warmup questions

    I like to do at least a couple warm-up sets with most movements, concentrating on an explosive concentric to myself neurally primed for the movement. This is less of a physical warm-up than a performance-related thing.
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    um... according to what? right, and when you fast, your cells for some reason are able to stop undergoing cellular respiration?  Don't think so. Kyleman, no offense, but please.  Don't post anything like this unless it is true.  This brings to mind the "don't eat veggies, just eat...
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    weight loss? Yes, not eating usually helps that.
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    grinding flax seeds

    should i be refridgerating my walnuts?
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    Superdrol + Rebound XT

    I remember reading somewhere, Lyle's board maybe, that Rebound XT doesn't have an active ingredient. Sounds like good stuff.
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    Truth about low intensity cardio?

    probably the reason he was a gym coach.
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    HST and protien

    it's very easy to get that much without powders. A can of tuna on 2 slices of whole wheat bread with a cup of milk is almost 50 grams of protein. And that takes about 3 minutes to make and 4 minutes to eat. Three whole eggs and 4 egg whites, plus some cheese, and you have another 40g of...
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    no doubt the quality of information is great, but you've already seen that most of the AAS knowledgeable crowd here thinks you are too young to be messing with it, so that is their input on whether or not to use. As far as actual usage, price, effectiveness, side effects, etc. you'd find more...
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    dude, there are MUCH better places to go looking for this kind of information.
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    DC Diet "Secrets"

    yes, I am "pissed" about DC. An online trainer whom I have never met or spoken with. Or even disagree with, at least on important points. Thanks for spotting that.
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    among other things, decreased sweetness and better use by muscle cells.
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    rowing machine

    why don't you try it and let us know
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    DC Diet "Secrets"

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    DC Diet "Secrets"

    for one thing, I stressed that DC gets people to eat, increase their weights, and use non-retarded frequency. That is a huge headstart, seeing as most regular gym goers don't do any of that. Those things will make a much bigger difference than DC's pseudo-science about personalized diet...
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    DC Diet "Secrets"

    next time, read my post before you reply to it k thanx
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    Taking Supps While SD'ing

    if anyone knows for sure? well, most of that stuff is completely unnecessary even when you ARE training. I'd leave the BCAA and glutamine behind, just get some whey. And use the whey if you are really low on protein during SD, which you shouldn't be. As far as vitamin E, I assume you use that...