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  1. jvroig

    Training log

    It doesn't, if your view is totally CT wise. But since RBE is far more complex than that, undulating loads may help in slowing it down due to neural factors (which right now I believe is a bigger factor in SD than CT, because CT just doesn't go away in a few days, although it is also important...
  2. jvroig

    HST 1 set only

    Hey guys B:) Hmmm... It would be best to think outside of reps and sets, since reps and sets don't matter outside of the strain they cause. Instead, do one good set (meaning just stop when you are close to failure, not when you reach a rep count). That's ok. Of course, you need to add...
  3. jvroig

    high reps vs. low reps in arms?

    Yes, the high rep sets are responsible for better glycogen synthesis. No magic there, simply metabollic work needed for mitochondrial activity to transport nutrients to the muscle. 1.) It doesn't have to be (and in fact shouldn't be) a tradeoff. You can increase lean body mass in the arms...
  4. jvroig

    Max load increase: too slow?

    Hey :) Is the maximum load increase too slow? Depends on where you compare it. Compare it to westside or some other strength-training routine, then yeah, you can say it is too slow. If you simply want to increase your strength (1RM), then HST may not be your best option. But if you are after...
  5. jvroig

    Training log

    Yes, but that scenario is not the same as the pure "low-GI vs high-GI carbs" scenario. With just junk food all day, first of all, you get calories, but your macronutrient ratio is all screwed up. And if you really want to gauge how effective low-GI vs high-GI is, you have to make...
  6. jvroig

    Driver Discontinued

    Why, what happened with Driver? Or is it just financial issues, like not breaking even?
  7. jvroig

    SD: dead?

    Yep, pretty much. Don't give a hoot about it. And to think that last I heard, it seems as if some newer version of HIT is actually getting closer to a "sane" routine, following a few of the principles of HST like more frequent training. (Can't verify that though, not like I actually...
  8. jvroig

    Training log

    I suppose you had to wait for the big ones because you just need a lot more weight to reach noticeable hypertrophy. As for the less GI, I can't remember it right now but I'll see what I can post back after I try to find it, but low GI or high GI, it doesn't really matter so much (I know, very...
  9. jvroig

    Question for veteran lifters only (2 or more yrs)

    Been lifting for a while, about 4-5 years is right. On and off, though - simply because of the annoying plateaus. HST gets the science down right. Before, people like pro lifters, trainers, even the "gurus" would tell you "nobody really knows how muscle grows"... but now...
  10. jvroig

    Do sups cause acne?

    It does. The extent and exact effects are the problem - pretty hard to nail them down 100%. Too many factors to take into account, and they aren't exactly easy to measure or control.
  11. jvroig

    Cutting and HST

    Do you mean that despite the cardio and weightlifting you do, you still eat 500 below your maintenance level? If that's the case, then all I can say is it would be better to just eat at your maintenance level, or even a bit higher, then just create a calorie decifict using cardio and...
  12. jvroig

    How long does it REALLY take to get big?

    I sympathize with you Toten. I'm on the same boat myself. I usually wear those big button-down polos. Nobody notices my muscle there. I look like an ordinary guy who probably never lifted a weight in his life. But when I wear a white t-shirt (as Joe's example), I get the "Dude, you are...
  13. jvroig

    Training log

    Perhaps that's why the growth isn't as fast. If you are leaning up great, then the effect looks more like for a cutting cycle. But hey, let's wait for the heavy weights. Regards, -JV
  14. jvroig

    Wouldn't it be cool?

    Yeah, such a device would be awesome. Would be extremely useful. Too bad it ain't possible right now.
  15. jvroig

    Why 15-10-5 and not 15-13-11-9-7-5?

    Nope, no other reason than that, really. Not unless you can't do the proper reps anymore. This depends on how big the increase is; usually you don't lower the volume (reps) immediately because you were working out using submax weights anyway.... which leads to your next question... No special...
  16. jvroig

    A question for Haycock

    MPS = Muscle Protein Synthesis MPD = Muscle Protein Degradation I'm sorry, I also didn't quite understand what you said. Maybe try rephrasing it a bit.
  17. jvroig

    Is "work" not a factor?

    Ok, that's good to hear. I would guess so, but this would greatly depend on your understanding of the mechanisms of hypertrophy. LOAD IS KING or something like that is the most common idea people probably get after reading the basic HST articles. But back up a bit, dig a little more, and we...
  18. jvroig

    Next phase

    Yes, exactly. This is just for cutting. And like I said (over and over), even for a cutting cycle I still believe it would be more advantageous (generally) to simply do your regular HST cycle, particularly for strength reasons. And you might still get very minimal muscle gains - unlikely and...
  19. jvroig

    A question for Haycock

    Yep, that's a very common misunderstanding or point of confusion. The 36-48H period is about MPS level elevation, not muscle recovery. The muscles recover far faster than that, and CNS (if you frequently train to failure) recover far slower. We want to maintain the MPS elevation (higher than...
  20. jvroig

    Next phase

    Nope. I still think it's better in the long run to just go on with the regular HST cycle ending with negs+metabollic work - like I said, for strength reasons. You may not gain more muscle, but that doesn't mean you won't improve your strength. But if you are on a lazy phase - perhaps several...