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  1. M

    Daily Shoulder Routine?

    @Jester Yes, I believe it is called acromanium type 3, really messes up and impinges my supraspinatus, especially in the right shoulder if I go any higher than 90 degrees. Thank you for that advice. I will certainly work up to that higher volume. I admit, my shoulders are weak as hell, I can...
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    Daily Shoulder Routine?

    @Jester , I know. Sadly enough, all overhead pressing is strictly forbidden in my case. 90° degree angle max. @adpowah , thanks indeed, I have to stay careful on the shoulder
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    Daily Shoulder Routine?

    hi all, Despite doing landmine presses three times a week with HST, my shoulders are really underdevelopped and weak. Being blessed with narrow shoulders doesn't help it either. So I'd like to bring up my shoulders and I think of the following small routine done 5 days a week: Cable Side...
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    Hst And Sport Balance?

    @Jester I dont know the qualifications of Mehdi. Several studies however prove the benefits of lifting on cardiac Health and endurance . Personally, I can testify that lifting improved my endurance greatly. @Old and Grey Very true! You must see what works for you! Hence the importance of...
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    Hst And Sport Balance?

    @Old and Grey , Very impressive stats there! As I am blessed with tiny 6 inch wrists, I believe such results would only be possible with Some drug assistance for me. I once calculated my natural max to be 16 inch arms tops. Regarding cardio. It is also true that weight training only improves...
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    Hst And Sport Balance?

    @Old and Grey Very interesting, I think it is indeed best to keep cardio for off days. I am curious about your accomplishments after all these years of training. What are your stats? Like, height, weight, arm/bicep size?
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    Hst And Sport Balance?

    @Old and Grey How exactly do you integrate cardio? How many times a week? At what max heart rate %? For how long? And when in relation to your workouts?
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    Hst And Sport Balance?

    How about HIIT, as in 2 or 3 x 15 minutes? Hst advices against it, is that view point out dated?
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    Three Macrocycles In

    @Drew Whitt I work long hours as well. I have my 10 o'clock and 4 o'clock meal with me to work each day. Eating more frequently will keep you better satied during the day, then three times, especially during a cut. It is also easier to get in the needed calories in 6 small meals, compared to...
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    Three Macrocycles In

    @adpowah I've never understood why it is adviced to beginners to stick to just a few basics while so much more can be done when doing things correctly and optimal from the get go. I don't know why beginners should settle for sub-optimal. if I would have known from the beginning what I know...
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    Three Macrocycles In

    @Drew Whitt Regarding this quote by O&G I would advise you also to get your hands on a copy of the Triggerpoint therapy workbook by Clair Davies. It is pure gold. Sooner or later you will mess up something anyway. In most of the cases it will be a strain, inflammation or irritation caused by a...
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    Guide to lean bulking

    @mickc1965 Check out this article series: about the pitfalls of bf measurement.
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    Three Macrocycles In

    @Old and Grey , I'd say shoulder position needs to be assessed beforte doing any pressing. In general, for desk jockeys with a typically forward tilted shoulder position, all shoulder pressing is a definite no-no.
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    Three Macrocycles In

    @Drew Whitt , Excellent choice. I'd say stick with your full body routine 3x a week and try to keep the progression in weights going. I would make minor changes only to your diet given it is on par already. eat six times a day, no carbs or fats after say 7 pm in the evening. Keep your protein...
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    Three Macrocycles In

    @Totentanz What are your view points regarding nutrient timing around growth windows? What are the do's and don'ts for you to optimize nutrition in this regard?
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    Three Macrocycles In

    @Totentanz You are absolutely right, it is difficult giving advices to people when we do not know their exact states and desires. Very true. By all means, if OP is happy with his appearance and wants to gain mass then a bulk would be just fine. However indeed, if he wishes to be shredded, a...
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    Guide to lean bulking

    After some reading regarding bf measurment, it turns out that bod pods or dexa's and the like still aren't that accurate at all and can have up to 10 or 15% variance for an individual. No matter the tool, it is always but a guess, an estimate you are having. Therefor, my final decision is to...
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    Guide to lean bulking

    So far I have noticed that I gain weight rather easily. The slightest surplus is enough to bump up the weight scale, I don't need 3000kcal at all to start gaining. While I used to be extremely skinny, I was actually an endo in disguise, rather then an ecto :). I don't carry a lot of fat, but the...
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    Three Macrocycles In

    While more info is needed regarding bodyfat, being new to lifting and at his stats, it seems to me that Drew should start in a caloric deficit (195 is quite a lot at 5'9). Once he has cut down, he can then start a slow bulk.
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    Guide to lean bulking

    @mickc1965 , What kind of strategy do you use during your cuts? How do you cut? Simply going on a deficit for an extended period of time could have you lose as much muscle as you just came to build during your bulk. That could just have you spinning your wheels, looking exactly the same...