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  1. M

    Rippetoe Throws Down

    You do realize that anything aside from SS is not training to this Guy? Read another article from him bashing varying repranges and high rep low load work. All proven strategies but BS for this dude. Guess hst, dup, myo is not considered training to him. He'd better do Some CF himself and lose...
  2. M

    Guide to lean bulking

    Been there, done that. Too much fat gain. Probably in the lines of a third muscle gain with two thirds of fat. Fantastic if it works for you, but I Will have to go slower. I will most probably readjust to an increase between 0,5 and 1kg per month. Still searching for the sweet spot but that...
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    Guide to lean bulking

    Valid question. BF is measured using a 3-point skinfold method with callipers. Each skinfold is measured three times to obtain consistency over all measurements. I know skinfold callipers can be off and a DEXA-scan could indicate that I am unknowingly already between 15 and 20% BF, which is then...
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    Guide to lean bulking

    I too am on the road to bulk up as lean as possible and have my bulk last for as long as possible and at least one full year. This is how I planned to do things in Theory: Given that I am still at a beginner level I allow a weight gain of 1 kg per month, given that a beginner could gain 1 kg of...
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    Review My Hst Program

    mickc1965, O&G, Very interesting programming there. Since I feel I'm still in the beginnerstage I will stick myself to working out three times a week full body as I do now for quite some time. When I reach an advanced stage however, and my anabolic window would drop down to around 12h I will...
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    Review My Hst Program

    mickc1965, O&G, Thanks for your replies. That is pretty high intensity given the frequency. In the frequency project, the lifters also used around 75% of 1RM, but they did less work with it, and no myo reps I believe. Over the week I average 75% as well, but I would not be able to recover from...
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    Review My Hst Program

    Old&Grey, In your previous posts, you have covered volume, doing myoreps 8 and 12 DUP style with resp 5*2 and 4*3 if I recall correctly. You have indicated working out almost daily or up to 6 times a week, which covers your frequency. Correct me if I'm wrong here. What about your intensity? Do...
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    Review My Hst Program

    What numbers are you looking for Jester? Numbers are irrelevant when Lifting. How are they going to help you reaching your goals?
  9. M

    Review My Hst Program

    One should not overcomplicate things. The muscle doesn't have a mind of its own. It's not busy thinking up ways to f*ck up your strategies. As long as you sense some kind of fatigue you will do just fine and your body will adapt and grow. It's not needed to go to failure at all. When I think of...
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    Review My Hst Program

    My routine keeps on evolving. Where my 5's were done myo-style, maybe not optimal but I liked it very much, I did my 15's yesterday more in an AMRAP-style. One set of 15 AMRAP meaning AMRAP but at least 15. This way I found out that certain weights are indeed too low. Calves for instance are...
  11. M

    Review My Hst Program

    Thank you for your advices Old and Grey! Regarding my stats. I've been training on and off for a couple of years now, of which seriously since a little more then a year. However, in this last year I made the mistake of gaining weight too fast. I was gaining at up to a pound a week. After three...
  12. M

    Review My Hst Program

    Very interesting indeed! I like to make my workouts more efficient so this myo-sets could be very usefull. What would you recommend me to do when hypertrophy is the goal? Lifting heavy is not an option for me. 5's already give me problems. 8 reps and above are ideal to stay injury free. With...
  13. M

    Review My Hst Program

    Please, tell me more about this madly efficient program you do. You must be using superlight weight and have everything set up for you when you go from one machine to another.
  14. M

    Review My Hst Program

    Thank you for the extensive reply and helpfull tips. I have more of an acromania type 3 kind of shoulder which makes for an easily inflamed/impinged supraspinatus muscle. I already do shoulder dislocations for this problem as well as throw in a set of 15's in face pulls now and then. However...
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    Review My Hst Program

    Hello adpowah, My reasons for Zercher Squat: 1) Mobility, shoulderissues make a front Squat position a lot easier 2) Balance, I have long femurs, so a Zercher position gives me better balance and better bar placement without excessive forward lean and good squat depth 3) Safety; I train alone...
  16. M

    Review My Hst Program

    Hi all, I logged on here to see what you guys think about my HST routine. I'm already following it for a couple of weeks but I still like your feedback. I like some change in my prgram so I have implemented my HST program DUP style doing; monday: 3*5 wednesday: 1*15 friday: 2*10 These are my...