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  1. S

    Fat-Kins Diet

    :D Funny Stuff Stretch
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    Jump Rope

    I am thinking about getting a jump rope. Mainly because they are about 20 bux, and a stepper costs a lot more. Oops, my secret is out. I am nearly broke, but still trying hard. dang Harley Payments. Anyway, I need to get some cardio so I can reduce my cholesterol, and triglycerides. I was...
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    Low carb again, only....

    This time, my cholesterol went through the roof. My triglycerides were astronomical, and my blood work indictaed that my body was spending beaucoup energy converting all that good protein into carbs anyway. So, I never went into ketosis, but burned carbs through whatever mechanism the liver uses...
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    Planning gluttony and drunkeness -days off

    Be way careful of alcohol. You can drink mixed drinks with water or diet coke, but be prepared to get kicked in the butt. Alcohol is like twice as nasty on low carb diets, and will screw you up royally. Stretch
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    HST Equipment

    I know you aren't looking this way, but the Crossbow platinum has a built in computer for the way most people do exercies. That is good in and of itself if you are looking for a ready made solution. Maybe one of those rubber band companies would allow you to set up something HST wise on a...
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    Stupid question Peanuts

    It is like, getting really late for me here, but why hasn't anyone ever tried to do a protein supplement based on peanuts? They do soy, milk, and egg extracts, but no peanut stuff. I figure in one jar of peanut butter there is probably like, hundreds of grams of protein, and it is dirt cheap. I...
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    Aspartame, Is it safe?

    Using artificial sweeteners, the best results I have had is with equal and that pink stuff, sacharin(sp) one each in whatever I am using it for. There is a synergistic property that really sweetens well, and actually makes me feel good. Chemicals are like that. Sodium by itself in water...
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    Rinsing ground beef

    If you have to live on a budget, like I do, anything you can learn that can help you to cut costs is good news. Firstly, avoiding pyrenes with spanish marinate ( spanish barbeque sauce ) and letting meat soak is a really good idea. Also, never eat burned meat. But this I did not know, and...
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    Unplanned SD

    My gy7m schedule got screwed up. ( Whoever would have guessed ) and I haven't worked out since like, Monday. But I am going to be starting a routine based on the sample HST workout, since I just started back at the gym last week anyways. The thing is, I did another long break about a month ago...
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    Keto or Atkins, and HST

    Hello all. Been away for a while. I have tried the Atkin's Diet before, and have had wonderful success with it. I actually lost 30 lbs in about 2 months while growing using a bullworker, of all things. But the bullworker kind of limits your growth, and rapid gains equate to rapid losses. So, I...
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    walgreen's. local health food store too.
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    Evening Primrose Oil

    Well, I also take Cod Liver Oil softgels. I bought them at Walgreens. They weren't too expensive. I was taking two 500 mg softgels of the EPR, but I can back off to one if it will be better for me.
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    Evening Primrose Oil

    Have some Evening Primrose Oil for Linoleic Acid (?) and was wondering if anyone else had ever tried the stuff. Interesting aftertaste in comparison to Fish Oil, I believe. Stretch