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    PLs. critique my diet

    i think i'll mix vinegar with honey it would definitley taste better that way. thanks for the tip al. for those who doesn't know the link.. yummy vinegar
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    PLs. critique my diet

    i lowered my calorie intake to 3000 (from 3500) i lost 2 pounds? what happened? but i swear my stomach is a lot smaller now.[and everything looks more defined]
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    Football Players

    so that means i'd have to eat more on HIIT sprint days
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    Hammer Curls vs. Reverse Curls

    i have imbalance on my arms too. the right bicep is bigger than the left. for the next cycle, will working out the left bicep ONLY ( ) be a solution to the imbalance? will that work?
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    flat dumbell press

    funny post lance i gotta research on that loaded stretches hmm i just found out that my shoulders are too weak to go heavy on the chest :confused: i think i'll go with the dips. thanks guys
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    There are advantages to having this board

    hst'ers and especially the experts are dang smart
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    Swimming + HST

    will HIIT style swimming hurt? maybe 3 minutes non-stop is enough? then rest 5 min. then go with normal swimming ? :) just like the cardio in the diet and nutrition fAQ
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    Rep Maxes?

    3 weeks?!? how boring! vicious must be really patient. 2 weeks is okay for me :) considering i've done extended 5s and negs (on some exercises)
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    Is there a minimum effective weight?

    i read somewhere (maybe a post from O n G... correct me if i'm wrong) that 70% of the rep max range is the minimum effective weight. e.g. 15RM 100lbs .. start with 70lbs tcup - don't go under 50% of the 5RM or any rep range?
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    flat dumbell press

    ok guys. i'm deciding whether i do incline or dips. hmmm.. thanks for the replies
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    flat dumbell press

    ok thanks for the wisdom O n G. i've been doing close grip bench press as well for the triceps. i guess i'll just transfer to dips for triceps and chest.
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    Working the Biceps

    hi doods, for the 15s and early 10s, i'm thinking of chins [machine] doing the bicep work and during late 10s and so on, i'll move on to incline curls. is that okay? others do ez curls during 15s and early tens but for some injury reason i can't do normal curls (for the left hand) and can't...
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    Rotator cuff training

    could this be usefull too? rotator cuff exercises i'm exercising my rotators right now because i think they are the ones who are most likely to complain.
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    flat dumbell press

    that's what i do. i sort of "kick em up" free-weights can cause some reaaal trouble on the joints eh? i guess i'd have to transfer to machines instead if the pain continues. thanks for the tip guys appreciate it last question: do you think flat bench press (barbell) will also...
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    Forearms "splints"

    i'm in the 5s now and i'm experiencing forearm "splints" (doing curls.. can't do hammers for another injury reason). it feels like the forearm is being worked out but has a little sharp pain in it. geeeez
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    flat dumbell press

    oh bloody hell...thanks vicious! i think i should stick to machines... type of grip? uhm like the normal way of gripping when doing flat dumbell presses..
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    My bulking diet

    i weigh myself at the end of the week on a non-workout day right after waking up and pissing. and weigh with an accurate balance scale. cheap weighing scale lies!
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    flat dumbell press

    anyone experience shoulder soreness when doing flat dumbell presses too?
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    flat dumbell press

    hi i've been having a hard time lifting the dumbells during late 5s.. . i've been getting help from the trainer to help me lift the dumbells up (for some this will be the first rep but for me it's just to get it up) then once it's above me with my arms fully extended, i can go do my reps by...
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    Rep Maxes?

    i'd rather underestimate and just increase as i do the cycle than overestimate and hurt myself