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  1. T

    How long does it take water to pass through your

    I uasally get mybe 1ltr a day water from milk (non skimmed) I'm going to up my water intake to 4 ltr a day from the tap but man tap water taste bad (is sydney water worth drinking ? or should i buy a purifier or pure water in bulk ?
  2. T

    how many carbs do i need ?

    It says when sitting and lieing down you burn 60cal and hour and walking was about 250 i think. So i burn about 15 hours x 60 +100 for walking to the fridge :) So i burn 1000 cals a day not including sleep time . I was consuming 280 a day and 355(50g dextose post workout am 11 sets and 25g post...
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    How long does it take water to pass through your

    dunno i read it somewhere .. Maybe you breathe it out :D
  4. T

    How long does it take water to pass through your

    I dunno during the day but i know the body looses around 3 ltrs while your sleeping.
  5. T

    foods what food should i buy ?

    I look around the net for an official clean unprocessed bodybuilding food list , couldn't find it. I musta spent 2 hours looking at all the crap in the supermarket. Only thing that caught my eye was plain oat bran ingrediants oat bran (gluten) per 100g 17g protein 7g fat 50g carbs 2g sugars I...
  6. T

    milk fat good or bad ?

    I dunno if australia does that to there milk , if they do how much fat is good from it i uasally get 100g or so fat a day from milk i'd need to find somthing to change it with .. Heres some milks we have in aus there nutritional info...
  7. T

    milk fat good or bad ?

    Whats the fat like from milk good or bad ?
  8. T

    Ground oats

    will the way i do it make the gi higher ? Cause it's still chunky as hell and i only blend for about 10 seconds
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    HST and Milk

    1 lt of milk is 40g fat. i've been drinking 2-3 cartons of milk since i was like 10 i'm addicted to the stuff and it taste great plain . Now i look over my diet i get a ton of fat from milk , good or bad fat? and snain 2.5ltrs for breakfeast is 100g of fat for your first meal is that wise ? i'm...
  10. T

    Ground oats

    how can grinding the oats drop there nutritional value all the oats are still eaten. I put my oats protein + milk into a grinder then drink . There not fine like he said the oats don't get grinded that much and the shake is really thick and can feel the oats when i drink it. Will that lower the...
  11. T

    can eggs be microwaved ?

    yeh i meant cooking it in the microwave . Does it take away nutriants ? is it better then using a pan ?
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    can eggs be microwaved ?

    Can i microware poached eggs ?
  13. T

    bryans eating for size

    so keeber what is cream of wheat called in australia ?
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    bryans eating for size

    so it's ok to eat more carbs at once ? i don't need to spead them out evenly throughout all meals ?
  15. T

    Where are you from?

    australia sydney
  16. T

    bryans eating for size

    I posted this before the board was wiped but i've forgot most of it . at 2500 cals and 310 carbs i see 310 carbs \ 7 meals =44 grams per meal . Yet meal 3 4 oz turkey 1 med potato I think a med patato is only 20 grams of carbs. 4 oz chicken 1 Banana 1 banana is 20g of carbs unless you guys...
  17. T

    What does off wpi do ?

    was stored in my dry place . I dunno bout 8 months . But it smells different then it used to .. Can off wpi make me sick ?
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    What does off wpi do ?

    theres no used by date
  19. T

    What does off wpi do ?

    My wpi smells kinda funny it's 100% pure whey protein isolate and is smelling kinda weird . What does out of used by date wpi do does it still work or what ?
  20. T

    how big is everyone?

    Current 5'8 80kg Goal 6' 95kg. Doh can't gain height can i ? goal 5'8 and a very fit 87kg. I wanna start playing rugby leage as a 5/8 , need to be very fit and somewhat buff :) Although i'd rather be jay cutler or ronnie coleman on the football feild and baulder anyone in my path out the way :)