HST and Milk


New Member
Namaste !
I am planning to start my first HST cycle from this Monday.
My query is about the quantity/quality of proteins I plan to have during my HST cycle.
I weigh around 74 kgs and other than the vegetable protein(beans, pulses, wheat etc) i get from my regular diet, I depend solely on Milk for my protein requirements.
So while on my HST cycle, I plan to drink 3 litres of milk daily, splitted in 6-7 meals. Other than that, I will have around 25 gms of whey protien in my post workout meals (only on my workout days).
Is that fine for my protein requirements during my HST cycle.
Only change i can try is having 2.5 ltrs of milk with 5 egg whites + 1 whole egg in the breakfast.
Anyone please comment on my food habits. I read somewhere that caesin is slow acting protein and may not be really good hypertrophy. I really want to know If my food habits are good enough.
waiting in anticipation
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Aaron_F @ Jan. 03 2003,10:09)]If you have no problems with milk, then it is absolutely fine. Milk is an excellent source of protein
And of hormones too!! Great stuff.
I know what americans do to their cows, but Im from NZ and we only feed them anti-biotics. This practice is also going aside as well.

ANd in note of your message in Tmags dog pound, europeans (in general) dveloped a gene mutation that allowed lactose tolerance. Or something along that line.
(covered in a Nature article - here)
Actually, Aaron, I have a question for you. Can you tell me how well is the casein/asthma relationship (allergy) documented? It's all around the internet, and it defenitly proved to be true in my case, but some of the site's to show it are heavily biased and questionable in my opinion
Asthma, mmm, NZ has one of hte highest rates of asthma ins the world, and the rates have been increasing at a much higher rate than could be associated with milk consumption (which has been going down from memory).
But, a quick pubmed search shows very little (not all journals are listed there, but its a pretty good overall view), but there does seem to be something that shows it can cause asthma if inhaled (ewwww
A lot of immune response relates to milk protein as a whole, in terms of asthma anyway, one showed increased IgG from the milk proteins beta-lactoglobulin (BLG), alpha-lactalbumin (ALA) and alpha-casein (AC) so really, whey and casien were causing the effect. But these people primarily had eczema.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Aaron_F @ Jan. 03 2003,3:09)]If you have no problems with milk, then it is absolutely fine. Milk is an excellent source of protein
Lactose intolerance aside, wouldn't one be concerned with the amount of saturated fat in milk? I know some of the hardgainer/old school puritans recommend full cream in relatively large quantities as a bodybuilding staple, but I've always cringed at the amount of saturated fat that would entail ingesting?
Thats what trim/lowfat/skim milk is for :D

The company I work for also has a good product called calci-trim, which has higher protein, lower carbs and next to no fat. But it costs too much for my liking
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Aaron_F @ Jan. 05 2003,1:07)]Thats what trim/lowfat/skim milk is for :D
But Aaron, everybody knows milk is for babies and when you get older you have to drink beer, right?

Or in the Aussie's case, b-e-e-e-e-e-a-a-a-r.

I wish I could find some of that there calcitrim stuff. But in this land of socialsim=no choice, we have no access to anything resembling good or healthy.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Aaron_F @ Jan. 04 2003,10:27)]Asthma, mmm, NZ has one of hte highest rates of asthma ins the world, and the rates have been increasing at a much higher rate than could be associated with milk consumption (which has been going down from memory).
But, a quick pubmed search shows very little (not all journals are listed there, but its a pretty good overall view), but there does seem to be something that shows it can cause asthma if inhaled (ewwww
A lot of immune response relates to milk protein as a whole, in terms of asthma anyway, one showed increased IgG from the milk proteins beta-lactoglobulin (BLG), alpha-lactalbumin (ALA) and alpha-casein (AC) so really, whey and casien were causing the effect. But these people primarily had eczema.

Ok, thanks.

It's no surprise pubmed shows nothing, after all, it's not in the interest of the powers that be that, if true, such information would go around. It's so much more profitable to keep an asthmatic on daily medication for all his life than it is to try and find the real causes.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (snain @ Jan. 03 2003,1:34)]So while on my HST cycle, I plan to drink 3 litres of milk daily, splitted in 6-7 meals. Other than that, I will have around 25 gms of whey protien in my post workout meals (only on my workout days).
The one thing I would avoid from what I've experienced and also read from others is eating the same foods every day, particularly one that can cause problems like milk.

Believe me, I know where you are coming from. Milk was my favourite protein source years ago as well as I can't stomach most meats for some reason. I find meats just too dang heavy to be constantly eating them and I don't exactly have the best appetitite for protein to begin with.

So, I use to drink milk all day and supplement with protein powders. After a while though I found that I had really bad gastric upset, constant eczema and after taking an allergy test I found I was allergic to milk products and whey.

Cycling protein choices I think is good to do in general. 3L of milk a day can become very tiring after a while and I wouldn't be surprised that in 2 years time the thought of milk will churn your stomach if you haven't developed an intollerance or an allergy to it by then.
1 lt of milk is 40g fat.
i've been drinking 2-3 cartons of milk since i was like 10 i'm addicted to the stuff and it taste great plain .
Now i look over my diet i get a ton of fat from milk , good or bad fat?
and snain 2.5ltrs for breakfeast is 100g of fat for your first meal is that wise ?
i'm from aus to so were prolly drinking the same milk
Theodon, I am having skimmed milk (with 1-1.5% fat), which means 2.5 ltrs for at max 40 gms of fat. Also I am not having 2.5 ltrs in the breakfast, I am having it splitted in around 6-7 meals, including two 400 mls noturnal meals.
I have enjoyed milk since my childhood and never faced any problem.
I was mainly concerned about the nature of milk protein, which is 80% caesin.
Thankyou all