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  1. N

    Preworkout, Postworkout Shakes

    why do you have such a high amount of protein post workout? I would rather do something like this: post workout: 30g whey 0.7-1g dextrose for 1 kg of bodywheight - therefore around 80g or so 1-2 hours later (your next meal) the same as you splitt up your macronutritions... why do you take...
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    splitted diet

    on 1fast400 some folkes recommended me not to eat carbs and fat at the same time - eat wheter carbs + protein or fat and protein - the reason is that they say you should not eat fat after an insuline rush from the carbs because you are more likely to put fat on... as far as i know it is true...
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    oatmeal - deutsche übersetzung bitte

    könnt mir mal ein netter deutscher hier übersetzen was oatmeal wirklich ist...kein übersetzungsprogramm hat mir bisher das haferflocken oder haferkleie oder hafermehl oder einfach haferirgendwas?! vielen dank
  4. N

    No post workout carbs when dieting?

    it depends on your diet/macronutrition ratios if youre for example on a ketogenic diet and dont eat carbs at all (or nearly no) then of course you would reduce carbs post workout or dont eat them at all but if you do eat carbs on your diet dont leave them out after your workout! after your...
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    Flax Seed Oil

    is there any need to get fish and flax oil? is there any need to get fat from an other source then fish and flax oil - right now ive got a fat problem in my diet...I just get around 40g of fat on a 2700 kcal diet...
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    for me they do - i dont have the time for it...
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    this may sound weird but - if I do get enough vitamins from chemical sources (viatmin pills), is it necessary to eat anymore salad or veggies? what will I miss if I dont eat them? in my actuall diet I dont eat veggies, salads at all - the reason is that I just dont have the time to prepare it...?!
  8. N

    Vegetarian diet

    dont you differ between people who dont eat meat but eat animal products such as eggs, milk and do eat chicken and fish? in europe we call such people vegetarian if you dont eat animal products at all we call those people vegarian? anyway - does your wife takes a proteinsupplement? and if...
  9. N

    15-20% Total Cals From Protein

    1.5g per kg of lean body mass would be allready enough...most tend to go to 2g per lean body kg..(therefore approx. 1g/lean lb) take a look at pre/post workout nutrition articles some people also take a look on the different type of proteins (in the meaning of release times) and some consume...
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    Coenzyme Q10

    coenzyme q10 does play important roles in the body including oxidative capturing of energy. moreover heart patients are threatet with it and studies showed that it gave them a betther oxygen intake?! and gave them also more energy during conditional training. it is also an antioxidant and used...
  11. N

    Cutting Diet

    thats true cliner9er, but thats not what i am talking about - you may want more carbs during 15s but I think the main question is the total workout time - the longer the more carbs do I need, the second thing is that I believe that you are okay with less carbs in your 1. 15s workout but need...
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    Cutting Diet

    dont have the time to take a close look at it, if I do have, ill do some research in my database and post some studies exactly about the issue anyway - some weeks ago some folkes discussed on how to incorporate hst into ud2.0 or a ckd - lyle suggested not to erase carbs at...
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    Cutting Diet

    Regular meal frequency creates more appropriate insulin sensitivity and lipid profiles compared with irregular meal frequency in healthy lean women. Farshchi HR, Taylor MA, Macdonald IA. -----------------------------------------------------------...
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    Shortest effective cycles

    I think 1 week of cutting wont my opinion the effective minimum is somewhere around 4-8 weeks for bulking and 2-6 weeks cutting....depends on your body you can make bulking and cutting really smoothly so you wont feel that negative effects of it
  15. N

    My UD2.0 Experience...

    today is saturday, I am just on the way to my power workout but took measurements before, results are okay but not great so after 4 weeks of depletion and one day of carb load: before: 82 kg bodyfat 18 % waist 82cm chest 106 cm shoulders 122 cm today: 80kg bodyfat 15.5 % waist 80cm chest 104.5...
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    My UD2.0 Experience...

    hiho today was the heavy duty workout... before the workout I was allowed to eat around 25-30g of carbs which I did consume in form of a banana (man, this was the best banana I ever had in my whole life... ;) ) after that liiiiitle carb boost I felt really energetic even without any...
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    good carb/protein mix powders

    for sure you know a good mrp with a nice protein/carb raito (around 50/50 or 40/60)? drive/prime+ are just to expensive for me **big sorry bryan**
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    My UD2.0 Experience...

    today weddnesday I had my second depletion workout (cant do it tuesday due to school) and I think doing it on weddnesday is not a perfect idea - it was a mess I felt so freaking flat today...I started the workout and was only able to cope with about 40 % of what I am supposed to do (not even...
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    Are weight gainers useful for Hardgainers?

    here, 2lbs whey isolate for 10 $ + delivery here, 2lbs of maltodextrin for 4 $ + delivery slow digesting protein is much more expensive usually around 25-30 $ for 2lbs which is sooo expensive that I prefere...