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  1. N

    15s vs paritals/pulses for compounds

    i just do them post 5s.. what do you do exactly? what do you prefer? 15s / paritals + pulses
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    15s vs paritals/pulses for compounds

    what about an additional 15s set vs partials/pulses for compound exercises? i personally feel that pulses/partials create much mor doms and you don't need to change weight (at least not for partials) - i just add em...sometimes even something like 5 set normal 5 partials 5 pulses ls -...
  3. N

    time problem

    problem during the 10s if i get my @$$ up my belly in and my teeth together - i can handle my workout in 60 minutes during 5s - incorporating 3 sets for compounds, 2-3 for isolation, 1 set of 15s for every compound and some ls and pulses - this is not takes at least 75 minutes...or...
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    metabolic stress techniques

    what kind of ms tecs you use for: hamstrings calves shrugs
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    chins vs lat pulldowns

    well thats fine for the next cycle - but right now i am in the middle of the i will just try something for now therefore
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    do some of you incorporate pulses in their training? when? allready when starting 5s or post 5s? do you do them just for stretch point iso ex. such as curls, triceps etc...or for all kind of isos - such as leg curls?
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    tweaking hst

    if you add a set of 15s during the 5s to increase metabolic stress: do you use a 15s weight that is easily doable or do you hit failue / close ot it by the end of the set? do you increase weight also? or do you keep it the same just to create some burn? you could also start with a low 15s...
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    chins vs lat pulldowns

    okay i have a problem - during the time i train with 10 reps per set i use lat pulldowns for lat - then when i switch to 5 reps per set i switch to chins because there is not enough weight on the lat pulldown machine to go to failure - the problem is now if i take a certain weight with the lat...
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    Managing fatigue/exercise tolerance- older HST'ers

    naaa don't think you necessarily need to drop the cardio... if you are new to hst and cutting these are a lot of stress factors... don't go to high with the volume - regarding compounds as your main workout, then just add isolation work if you can really handle it... do moderate cardio (no need...
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    to all high frequency-maniacs

    when i hit my rm's or am close to it i usually have problems keeping my frequency as high as usual (5x full body) due to higher recovery needs - do you have similar problems? how do you handle them?
  12. N

    best mass building for arms

    i get better results when adding iso work for arms - best results yet with moderate to high frequency and low volume (usually around 5-6 sets per week for bic/tric) good bic ex. dumbell curls on incline bench tric. ex. dumbell skull crushers
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    Been thinking

    i am endo - i get FREAKING HUGE from working out so frequently...i need to watch not becomming to big...people are scared okay, me personal, i'd prefer a am/pm splitt that splitts your whole body into 2 routines like monday am: lower body monday pm: upper body this would make the workout more...
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    lower back issues

    doing sldl and squats/leg press 5x a week (especially the sldl) seems to have a bad impact on my lower back (overstressed) what do you do to combat this? lowering the volume would not help imo - lowering the frequency might do the trick but i'd have to sacrifice optimal gains... what do you...
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    Straight Bar or E-Z Curl?

    i'd recommend dumbell curls on a incline bench but i don't like hammer curls...i simply don't feel the biceps over its full rom...maybe just psychological - but needs to be fun and the biceps needs to be PUMPED
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    the majority of the people here seems to love squats... i say you are all fu**ing liers  
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    low gi cars prior to exercise

    low glycemics carbs prior to exercise -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the following text is from the thinkmuscle newsletter - what does this basically mean low glycemic carbs are superior prior to exercise in terms of fat burning?? what about...
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    i hate squats - i'am sorry but that's fact someone told me they would grow on me... but after 5 years of lifting i can seriously say - they don't
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    sexual abstinence and performance

    i like to know that as well...these dang chinese
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    well that was a sports medicine doc - pretty much the most famous hospital in my town i started with low weight and high rep sets - that actually made it worse imo... i am just pissed of because it takes so long, i can see any improvement - it hurts just more even if i stop working out... the...