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  1. C

    i really really need help

    Personally I would prefer the latter of your statement BIZ, but first I need to get to the lean point. I'm currently at around 2200 calories per day (45% Protein, 35% Carbs, and 20% fat) and can't seem to lose any weight. I'd rather not lower my calories as I tend to not feel too good when I...
  2. C

    Blades Pics

    Very impressive Blade but, after seing MY pics that I posted in the General Discussion forum, I have to tell you that you are not fat. I'm better than I was, but I still feel like I've got more to go. But your stats are something I wouldn't mind shooting for! At 42 I'd be most impressed with...
  3. C

    Weight Gainer Powders

    For increasing someone's calorie intake? It's really hard for me to increase the amount of food I eat.
  4. C

    Creatine making me sick!

    I was putting it into my protein drink before lifting and chugging it. I wonder now if that was a cause as well.
  5. C

    Creatine making me sick!

    The 1/2 and 1/2 isn't a bad idea. I may try that. I had a thought while reading all of your responses again. As far as creatine goes (in white powder form), exactly how much are you supposed to take? A level tsp. or a heaping (or somewhat heaping) tsp.? I've been taking a somewhat heaping...
  6. C

    Creatine making me sick!

    I've stopped taking it for the past two weeks and plan on going back to it on Saturday. I'll go back to the phosphogenHP though and not the white powder form. I've had similar problems in the past using the plain white powder. The phosphogenHP didn't do that to me though. Guess my system is...
  7. C

    Creatine making me sick!

    Depending on the brand name of whey protein, I've had at least somewhat similar circumstances. The HSN products haven't done that to me though, so it's best to stick with that. There were ones, however, that were so bad I thought I was going to throw up right after drinking it! The...
  8. C

    Need help designing an HST program

    You can alternate exercises during a cycle, yes. There are no set concrete "rules" to HST, meaning that you still should tailor it to your wants and needs while sticking to HST principals. I think the best thing you can do is to do a split routine. 6 days a week. And from personal...
  9. C

    Need help designing an HST program

    Perhaps I'm wrong in this, but it seems that you're looking at HST with a HIT mentality. No offense meant. You're not looking for total recoperation in between lifting days, that's not what HST is about. You're not working to failure each exercise. Not even on your last day of each rep...
  10. C


    I agree with Fausto and jsraaf. Incline D/B curls are great! Straight bar curls always give me problems with either my forearms or wrists so I never feel like I'm getting quite enough of a workout with it. I'm also finding that isolated type curls are best for me as well.
  11. C

    machines vs. free weights?

    Not that it matters much as far as stabalization, but exactly what machines are we talking about? The standard brainless machines you see normal shmoes on once in awhile when they decide to come in to the gym, or something along the lines of HammerStrength machines? The reason I'm asking this is...
  12. C

    Creatine making me sick!

    You may be right, edziu. Just the thought of taking it in white powder form (as opposed to the PhosphogenHP) makes me a little queasy. I am, however, going to take a couple of weeks off of it in order to drain my system of creatine and then start over. I seem to remember this happening before...
  13. C

    Creatine making me sick!

    Ok, today I didn't take creatine. I did however drink my pre-workout shake and felt fine. So I'm thinking I need to be off the creatine for a couple of weeks at least just to get it all out of my system. I did, however, remember that even taking creatine separately (i.e. PhosphogenHP) I still...
  14. C

    Creatine making me sick!

    I generally take about 1 teaspoon of creatine daily. Most of the time I've taken Phospogen HP from EAS, which I cycled 2 months on and 2 weeks off. Things were fine. Now I tried taking straight creatine along with my morning protein powder. Things were fine for awhile but now Im getting...
  15. C

    Cardio during SD?

    This time I took 2 weeks off instead of 9 days. It went pretty well, but then again I've been on vacation. The only thing I did was walk the boardwalk of a beach in NJ. But not for exercise, just some light walking. I think the way I got through it was to be on vacation though. But I really...
  16. C

    Weighted pushups

    I would tend to think that soreness from pushups, especially ones done with chairs or benches, would tend to come from hand positioning and/or the ability to get more of a stretch than you would with a barbell press. Probably would also be different with DB presses as well. With DB's people...
  17. C

    Weighted pushups

    I'd have to agree with flow in that it would cause unnecessary stress on your lower back and spine. And personally I can't see any difference biomechanically with bench presses. If you're looking to get a better stretch then switch to dumbells like mikeh said.
  18. C

    specialization routines

    You could possibly try an AM/PM routine and have one of them as a bodypart specific routine.
  19. C

    Ordered first HSN protein supp today

    You really have to shake the driver up really well to get it to mix. I use a hand mixer to do it, personally. Less waste that way. But I've also found that using HSN protein has given me much better gains than the standard stuff.
  20. C

    problem with protein

    Try switching to an egg protein or a milk and egg protein for awhile. That may help.