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  1. C

    Smith machine squats dangerous

    Ok, tried doing squats using the Smith Machine and a wedged board. Worked out great, so I have to thank you for that idea. Also, I was able to use the same amount of weight with a bit more difficulty but got out 5 reps. Really burned afterwards though which felt good. Oh yeah, almost...
  2. C

    Smith machine squats dangerous

    I also prefer using the smith machine for squats as the free weight bar hurts my lower back too much. I had been thinking of what elevating my heels would do (much like doing front squats) but was concerned it would add more stress to my back. Today I'll try squats with elevated heels and see...
  3. C

    Where are you from?

    I can't believe I never posted here. Anyway, I'm 41 and from East Windsor, NJ. It's about 10 minutes away from Princeton and about 25 minutes from Trenton. Sort of close to the shore but not close enough for my liking. I used to live a lot closer. May someday move back. Maybe after I retire.
  4. C

    NO2 Growth Enhancing Hemodilator

    I've just been reading in Flex magazine about NO2....a new product from Ed Byrd. Anyone know about this or have more information than the ifomercial in the magazine? It looks interesting but what doesn't when someone is trying to sell something?
  5. C

    how big is everyone?

    Ok! I'm currently into my 4th session of HST and my stats are this: Height - 5'9", weight - 210 lbs. (hit my first target!), Chest is now 44" (up an inch) and my arms are now a whopping 17" (also up an inch!). Oh yeah, and I dropped like 2% in BF w/o even trying...
  6. C

    Your Results with Primer and Driver Protein

    I'd like to know everyones results with the primer and driver proteins for HST. I just got mine and am very excited to start taking it. Just looking to find what expectations I can look forward to. Thanks! ;)
  7. C

    How usefull are amino acid tablets

    Well today was a pleasant surprise! Before I worked out I had my BF% checked and I dropped 2%! Not bad for someone who wasn't really trying all that hard until about 3-4 weeks ago to lose any. So I went and did 30 minutes of HIIT. That's a very intense workout but it really felt like I was...
  8. C

    How usefull are amino acid tablets

    I agree cliner9er. I have some left and then I'm going to stop the AA's. Also, I'll try the HIIT for a bit and see how that works. Hopefully i don't die from all of this! I just got used to supersetting musclegroups during HST so maybe it won't take me too long to get used to this. I also read...
  9. C

    How usefull are amino acid tablets

    Ha! I hate cardio as well, but I'm always happy AFTER i do it! One, because I need to do it, and two, because it's over. But I'm thinking I need to cut the pb and bread from my sandwich out and just have tuna salad. I try to eat as clean as possible, which is difficult with kids wo want junk...
  10. C

    How usefull are amino acid tablets

    My intake is as follows: Calories = 2200 approx. Protein = 250 grams Carbs = 190 grams Fat = 69 grams. This is per day. The good news is I've reached my target weight of 200 lbs. Now I want to concentrate on losing BF. I've started doing cardio twice a week for 30 minutes each...
  11. C

    How usefull are amino acid tablets

    I've been taking amino acid tablets for quite sometime. Much moreso than protein powders, MRPs, or creatine. Pretty much now I'm taking creatine and amino tablets. Will the tablets give me enough of the protein I need? Am I really confusing the benefits of amino acids to protein powders? Should...
  12. C

    Creatine on lifting days only

    Thanks Bryan. So let me see if I've got this straight. Once I've loaded it doesn't matter if I take a maintenance dose every day or every other day...because my cells are saturated already and won't excrete much per day anyway. Correct? I'm not sure if I've ever really thanked you for what...
  13. C

    Creatine on lifting days only

    Is this a feasible alternative to taking creatine everyday? I was thinking that this may be an alternative to cycling after reading in the FAQ that cycling may not be completely necessary. Also the fact that you don't flush creatine completely out of your system in a day (thus the every other...
  14. C

    how big is everyone?

    5'9" at 197 lbs. 15-16% BF. Chest is 43", arms are 16", waist is 34". Age - 41. I want to be around 200 - 210 lbs with about 12% BF.....just so I can look that much more defined. I'm hoping to reach that by summer.