Ah apologies yeah I meant just standard tape measurement methods for hypertrophy. I thought I saw conclusions of myofibrillar hypertrophy but true if they couldn't do a biopsy it's possible it was sarcoplasmic. I think it was lasting gains, but meh I dunno nor remember exactly hehe, occlusion...
Ah ok fair enough, am pretty sure I've seen studies which have shown fiber size increase too. I think the idea is that because of the occluded environment created, it calls those 'dormant' fibers much much earlier due to the need for them (a crazy pressurised hypoxic environment in there!), and...
Ah yeah that makes sense, that way you're really getting true occlusion by seeing how you're performing in later sets. Of course you can't just start with heavy weights but progress down to those lower reps after a few higher rep sets.
I wonder if there is a total reps/sets prescription though...
Ah very nice! I do hope more research looks into that! SD makes sense logically to me, just unsure what specific studies they can do and what markers to look for.. especially in advanced trainees.
Bryan IS a magical fortuneteller though, well ahead of the pack ;D
Just finished the 10s! Went really well, progressing with weights as planned with most lifts, all except box squats and RDLs which I'm doing a slower dual progression sorta thing. Do a certain weight for 2 sets, next session same weight but 3 sets, then up the weight and back down to 2 sets, and...
Some really fascinating topics up...
Two talks on training to failure, protein requirements, cluster training, "How Motor Units Really Fatigue and Recover: Implications for Resistance Training" (@NWlifter ;D ), myoreps, HST training and many others!
Ah that's interesting.. yeah I think where I was reading from was moreso talking about just blunting any crazy cortisol response and stopping it getting out of hand and affecting the immune system, but yeah that's got me thinking now.. cheers for that!
SI joint was getting heaps better, osteo gave me the go ahead to train again! I just started the cycle from the very start again, some lifts the same weights as before, and some reduced as they involved the lower back more. Lifts like box squats and RDLs using a much slower progression than...
Also have been increasing protein consumption overall, don't think I'm getting enough in (also whey protein specifically apparently helps with immune function too...)
Heya guys, was researching a bit on how to keep my immune system from plummeting after a hard training session (been getting sick alot of late), and came across a few different sources saying that carbs during or immediately after a workout can help prevent the lowering of immune system function...
Ahhh okay cool, yep makes sense, have been experimenting with both with just the touch and go and full deload, both work well for their own reasons, but yeah good point not completely relaxing with the bar on your shoulders hehe.
Perhaps the question isn't so much what's necessary for hypertrophy, but what's necessary and practical. Each approach definitely produces hypertrophy.
Would one want to actually constantly go to failure aaaaaall the time if it's optimal for hypertrophy, or use HST in which you still create the...
Found this bit interesting in the link @mikeynov posted in the other thread. Not sure if it's relevant but thought I'd quote it here, it speaks of fatigue and tension:
"Page 109, Chapter on training principles modes and methods:
At least one machine manufacturer recommends that only one set...
Love it, cool experiment, would love to see it too :).
I would also peg group 5 to have the best results. RBE and stagnation would set in pretty quickly with groups 1-4. I would strongly suspect group 5 would outdo the others, but that's not to say the others wouldn't have any results...
Yo bro, when you do box squats, do you sit down and unload completely, or just lower and feel the bench then straight up? I know people do it differently, but I've been doing box squats in this cycle (pre-SI joint injury timeout.. but trying to finally get back to training legs a bit more after...
Yeah true, always good to start back conservatively and can always work my way back up. So bummed as I only just started this cycle and haven't done a HST cycle in awhile...
As absolutely keen as I am in wanting jump back in where I left off hehe.. She did say to start back in a weeks time with...