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  1. S

    Peak ATP

    Anyone have any experience with Peak ATP? Looks promising. I just added some to my protein order online and will receive it today but I was just wondering if anyone had any tips or results with added energy. Thanks
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    HST & Vegas

    Thanks guys. I'm pretty sure the place I'm staying has a gym but I'm not really sure what equipment they have. I have my routine down at home (especially with my new bowflex selecttech dumbbells purchase). I guess I'll play it by ear and worst case just SD in Vegas. Thanks!
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    PH's and HST

    Great post. I'd like to know these answers if you wouldn't mind :-) Thanks!
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    HST & Vegas

    I'll be leaving for Las Vegas on July 7th :-) and will be gone for a week+. This vacation will fall at the end of my 10s.. hopefully. I 'm currently training 2x/day 3x/week. How should I handle this break before my 5s? When I return, should I do another week or so of 10s or just start back up...
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    Anyone have any experience with this? Results? Suggestions? I doubt I'll go that route but I'm definitely curious.
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    Eat less on off days?

    I'm currently trying to bulk -- once I figure out what's up with my shoulder. I know you should be eating more on training days and less on off days. Am I the only one that has a larger appetite on my days AFTER training? Any suggestions? It just feels I can eat so much more within the 24 hours...
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    Vinegar anyone

    BIZ, Would this also be good for bulking? Thanks! Staxx
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    Football Players

    Here's a pretty good article on T.O
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    Vince Gironda

    Would anyone be able to describe how to do Vince's Perfect Curl? I've seen it mentioned on a few sites but they're all duplicates of one another and I'm unable to figure out what they're saying. Thanks!
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    protein bar

    Check out the Pulse Bars at the Protein Factory. Good stuff! Jonny
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    Do you people do cardio when bulking up?

    LittleBigHorn, I also can't stand doing any form of cardio. Plus, I'm trying to bulk so haven't really been to motivated. Lately, I've been considering purchasing a heavy bag... between jumping rope here and there and a nice little boxing routine, that might be enough to spice things up...
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    Protein Bars

    I'm looking foward to trying the Protein Factory's new protein bar but I'm not sure how they are. Lately, I've been snacking on the Harvest Power Bar... not that high in protein but since I'm bulking I need more carbs than anything. I've also been a fan of the Balance bars and Meso Tech (high...
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    EFAs, CLA and my nuts

    Hemp oil.
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    Has anyone used this supplement? (17aa-4-Androstene-3, 17-diol) I'm considering it for my next bulk hst cycle. I'm just wondering if it's worth it as a standalone compared to S1+ Thanks! Staxx
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    Flax Seed Oil

    I prefer hemp oil... much more balanced than Flax. A combo of both is also good. While bulking (or trying to at least haha), I take 3 - 5 tbs of Hemp Oil a day. Take it easy, Staxx
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    An Aspirin just before the workout?

    Dom, Here's an excerpt from this article ( The International Olympic Committee banned cortico steroid use in 1975. Most of the Eastern Block countries did not even blink. Their athletes were already off the anti-inflammatory drugs and performing harder...
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    An Aspirin just before the workout?

    Dom, Check this out. Take it easy, Staxx
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    Chinese Food

    I hear cats are pretty high in calories. Still your weakness? haha j/k
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    HM Gear

    xahrx, Any thoughts on Oxanavar? Thanks! Jon
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    HM Gear

    Has anyone used, or heard anything about the products from HM Gear (Oxanavar, Test-OH, etc.) Thanks, Staxx