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  1. S


    If you're skinny, the best supplement is an extra helping of food and a big glass of milk. Hope this helps.
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    Korte 3x3

    Deadlifts work the lats? And the rotator cuff complex? That's news to me!
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    Full (deep) squats or Parallel squats

    Interesting stuff, Blade.
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    "Explosive" Pushups?

    I haven't tried them yet, but I've heard that bench throws (done on a smith, of course) are great for this purpose.
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    Korte 3x3

    I'll preface this with an admission that I'm not a powerlifter. I'm not even very knowledgable about lifting. But this 3x3 program seems like a very easy way to develop some muscular imbalances. No mention is made of rotator cuff prehab, or any other upper back work. The program probably...
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    Full (deep) squats or Parallel squats

    Right now, I'm working on my glute/ham flebility and plan to switch to full squats when I can maintain the arch all the way down. Whoever suggested bouncing at the bottom of a full squat, THAT'S how you injure your knees! Don't do it! I think that squatting ATF with good form is the best way to...
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    Lifting in the Real World

    That's pretty much what I do. If I have low energy one day, I might skip some isolation movements. If I can't workout a particular day, I'll workout the next without getting really stressed about it. My BBing heroes all saw lifting as a part of an otherwise balanced, normal life. I like that...
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    Is HST for beginners?

    Provided you have patience for details (being OCD helps) and don't lift to satisfy your ego, you should be able to reap the benefits of HST no matter what stage you're at. Good luck! :
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    Weight Gain From Creatine

    I just picked up a tub of creatine on a lark, been loading at 10g/day for the last two weeks. While I'm just as much of a noob as anyone, I'm not really doing it for the temporary bigger muscles as much as the purported extra energy and improved recovery. As far as I know, creatine only makes...
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    Yeah, I think both ways have been common. Some people do 5x10!
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    If you really want to do 5x5 the "classic" way, there's no reason not to do it with HST-like frequency. The way I've seen it described, the first two sets are like heavy warmup sets, and then the last three are with your best weight. Say your max is 350 -- then your sets would look...
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    Milk n Muscle

    Milk has been the cornerstone of many a bodybuilder's diet since, oh, the 1930's.
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    Ephedrine dosing

    Aspirin works synergistically with ephedrine, but the effect may not be big enough to justify it, since anti-inflammatories can interfere with protein synthesis.
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    Importance of Safety!

    Good point. I feel like a complete pansy asking someone for a spot when I'm doing a whole 115 pounds on close-grips, but I've gotten stuck under 105 pounds once, and that was more embarrassing than asking for a spot!
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    That American Powerlift Evolution site is the bee's knees.
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    Not-so-strategic deconditioning

    What kind of high-rep are you thinking? Unless you're really old (my apologies if you are), I'd just do some good warm-ups and use triples to figure out some reasonable weights.
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    banana with whey post workout?

    Just eat the banana beforehand. Problem solved.
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    Dieting, studying for finals, etc.

    Gotcha. I've wondered how E/C seemed to help me rally my strength while cutting. It'd be interesting to see if they both work by similar mechanisms.
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    Dieting, studying for finals, etc.

    This isn't supposed to be a dig, but wouldn't it be wiser to take that time off from dieting, in order to be at peak mental condition?
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    I'm far from an expert, but I'd think that the best use for PH/AAS would be to "push" one's size beyond their natural limits, or to hold on to mass while cutting. That said, I think your idea is pretty sound. If you "need" the last 5 lbs or so right now, then it could be a...