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  1. S

    How Long Do You Train?

    Mine range from 30 min (so far, I've only been doing 1 set per exercise for <20 exercises) to an hour, depending on how long I have to wait for equipment. If I'm in a gym that only has one squat rack, and someone's "blasting their biceps" in it, I'm gonna be pissed if I have to wait!
  2. S

    Recommending a multi?

    w00t! I went right back to my dorm room and performed the warm water test on one of my multivitamins. Within two minutes, the coating had softened, and within four, I could see little bits of binding break loose and float to the top. In not more than a half hour, the entire thing had...
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    how many sets with 5's?

    Weird. As a lone voice, I keep the total number of sets constant throughout the cycle. I don't drop any exercises when I move into 5's though.
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    I like Straight-Leg Deadlifts, because they target the hamstrings and are a nice complement (or is it supplement?) to the Squat. In SLDLs, you keep your legs straight and lean over to pick up the weight, like this guy's doing: That site has always been...
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    Health Effects of Overreating

    Coyote: dang, that's a long post/convo!
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    Recommending a multi?

    I think the real question is, "Which brands WON'T pass through undigested?"
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    Health Effects of Overreating

    *bump* My bodybuilding heroes (Grimek, Park, Reeves, Pearl, and the like) have all lived into their 70's, which is plenty long for me. Without dredging up the quality vs length of life debate, it doesn't seem like carrying around a lot of extra muscle really hurt the old-timers in the...
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    Bulking Up

    This might be a dumb question, but is it even wise to gain 2 pounds per week? Everything I've read suggested that the most LBM a (natural) person could gain is 1 pound a week, and that's being optimistic.
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    Where'd you get your username?

    Mine is pretty obvious. I must say, there are a LOT of clever names on this board! :D
  10. S

    HST while cutting

    I go to failure when finding my maxes sometimes. If I pick a weight, get four reps, and can only get a partial after that, then I'll consider that weight as my 5RM. Otherwise, if I feel pretty good and "spent" after 5, 10, or 15 reps of another weight, I may just stick with that and...
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    Extending HST timelines

    I'm not an HST expert, but it's okay to come close to failure (or be unable to do a rep) at the end of each 2-week microcycle. If you were bulking, you should be able to hit all of your maxes. Failing really doesn't do as much for growth as some people think.
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    how big is everyone?

    Hi! I'm 5'8" and 146 lbs @ 12%ish. (Obviously, I have a bulk or two in my future. :D)