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  1. S

    Don't want to start anything

    The facts about HST are true with science to back it up, but you have it give it a chance. And one cycle is not enough to make a true decision. I did a split HIT routine for 15 years and hit a point for about a year where I could not make any gains Then I found the HST and with the help of...
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    Don't want to start anything

    Go on a long SD and then start a new cycle . Even if you can only add 2 lbs. I keep a pair of 1 pounders just for that reason . Slow is better than none ! Thanks Sonny
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    Muscle spasm

    As previously posted, magnesium deficiency is probably the problem. I get them in my legs at night and they feel like someone is squeezing my leg in a vise and applying an electrical shock at the same time. Then I hop around praying for them to stop, but when I start back to taking magnesium and...
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    I want to eat 14 egg whites a day.  What are the

    Why don't you just eat the whole darn chicken? Did you know that an egg is a pain in the a ss for a chicken? Have you ever taken a flu shot and got ill? If so! You are most likely allergic to eggs. See Ya Sonny
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    Neat Gym Equipment

    I have Body Solid gym equipment. Lifetime guarantee. And you don’t have to sell the farm to get it. See Ya Sonny
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    Hey Dan and Old&Gray

    I’m not sure what cause all the damage, but I hyper extended my right shoulder doing bench press flies. I have a serious injury to my left arm when a circular saw got away from me and cut thru to the bone (250 stitches) 25 years ago. By the grace of God I still have 98%+- use of it. What...
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    Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

    My I ask a question? I was just at the Androgel web site and read this ………….. “If your doctor diagnoses you with hypogonadism, this means you have low testosterone (Low T). Medical conditions that can cause Low T may begin in youth or adulthood and can affect testosterone levels throughout a...
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    Best Cycle For Mass

    Howdy I would be willing to bet that more muscle has been built doing a full body 3 days a week routine than ever trying to do it 5 to 6 days a week. If you want to live in the gym then go for it. If you would stick to the true and proven HST routine you will have no problems. There are people...
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    Hey Dan and Old&Gray

    Hey Old & Gray and Dan . I’m back! :) After screwing up my right shoulder doing bench press flies, it has taken me well over 3 months to get to the point that I could start my HST routine again, without having to much pain. The Doc had to go into my shoulder and shave the end of the...
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    Skipping the 15s

    If everyone had read the HST articles there would not even be this discussion "Utilizing lactic acid as a stimulus for tendon repair/health" Now HST incorporates a few other things such as higher reps (for lactic acid) to prepare the muscles and tendons for future heavy loads. This...
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    Health risks

    <span style='color:red'>Howdy As Brian recommended It could be a multitude of things that would cause your fevers including pollen and cat dander . But lets rule those things out and stick to the supplements. I have a allergy to Iodine and it is very hard to find any multi vitamin that does not...
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    BoSox <span style='color:red'>I’m only the messenger!!</span> <span style='color:green'>I thought it was a little screwed up as well. As O&amp;G points out, I too have seen extra gains when I first started using it. However, I’m not sure now, having been using it for a number of years. I think...
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    Best Cable Exercises

    <span style='color:BLUE'>Yep ! I went there Dan . There were a lot to choose from . I got the Body Solid it comes with a lifetime guarantee . I do like it a lot . It is real smooth in the movements. I already have a lat tower with high and low pulleys on my Power rack. However, in my humble...
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    Best Cable Exercises

    Howdy I just purchased a cable crossover machine and would like to know what you think are the BEST cable exercises for doing a whole body workout . I got it to do cable flies because I keep injuring my shoulders doing dumbbell flies, trying to get them into position. Thanks Sonny
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    Purified Water

    9--> I run two tabletop distillers and have been doing so for years. A distiller boils the water collects the steam In the condenser, converts it back to a liquid again. A distiller will remove 99.99 % of all contaminates. The filter that you maybe referring to is the little charcoal filter in...
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    Customizing a Protein Shake

    yshemesh How much protein do you consume in your regular meals already . Eggs, cottage cheese, peanut butter are good sources for protein. Added Calories is what you need to add weight .
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    World-Renowned China Project

    Yes ! You are right . But still a good read .
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    World-Renowned China Project

    I still think that excess protein will reduce longevity . Read the link and you decide . BoSox need not reply . Not till I see his picture .........
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    Lifespan, Caloric Intake, and Weight on the frame

    Efficacy of nutritional supplements used by athletes. Beltz SD, Doering PL. Department of Pharmacy, Shands Hospital, Gainesville, FL. Findings on the efficacy of nutritional supplements used by athletes are reviewed. Many athletes have turned away from anabolic steroids and toward nutritional...