I ‘m one my second cycle and I’m doing a week of them.
I believe they prepare me for the heavy loads to come.
I get a hell of a good pump from them as well.
I do 2x15 with a full body wo .
A quote from the wed
“Creatine allows us to work harder, which is generally a good thing. However, this means that muscle recovery is more critical while supplementing with it. As alcohol consumption inhibits protein synthesis, a potentially fruitless situation may arise by mixing the two.”
Why wouldn’t dumbbell flies do the trick?
Instead of doing some single thing.
I had to do that with my arms years ago.
One arm has a injury so I loaded the DB's unevenly to compensate
for the under devolved side . I maintained the good arm load and favored the injured arm and only added the load...
Here are a couple of sources one the subject of fast food and one pertaining to Chinese food .
I like the rat-on-a stick .
And General Toa ..toes ! Their good !
I know. I Know …Ha Ha DKM I’m just having fun with you guys .
Everyone that knows me will say that I don’t have a serious bone in my body.
However, How much does your daily intake boil down to in ounces?
And to reply to the other gentleman’s post ………..
I like to drink water with a little twist...
This was the question and I was only trying to answer it to the best of my ability.
Moreover, as of yet I don't think his questions was answered.
Again, A lot of rhetoric without an answer.
I tried.
I think he is entitled to one don’t you?
The body only gets ill because of 3 reasons.
The body will repair (Within realistic reasoning) itself in a very timely as long as the above 3 have been answered to.
If you cut your finger it will mend itself as long as you don’t introduce something that will...
If you were already an expert then why did you guys read it?
In all you infinitesimal wisdom did you happen to read the study date ?
Thats what I thought .
This board is getting like MH with a bunch of children babbling trying to make themselves look smart .
“On a final note why all the exclamation points all the time”
I don't know! Except where I'm exclaiming.
Must be the grammar checker in my MSWORD processor.
I write it in “Word” and then cut and paste.
Most should be commas.
He referred to it as “fluids” and I just want to know what other fluids he had in mind other that H2O.
Water is water no mater what altered form you may find it in.
" Anything that contains water attributes to water balance"
Not all .........
Coffee, teas contain caffeine which is a...
You said
“of all the fluids gained from metabolism, food and other beverages.”
First of all before we get into a long debate.
I have just one question for the “Expert “.
If possible please answer directly without a lot of rhetoric.
What kind of “Fluids” other than water do you have in mind?
As DKM has noted that everyone is different,
The frequency of your elimination is dependent on
many factors. I feel 5+ isn’t to far off for one who is use to it.
But, at first it is more like 8-10 or more .
The reason for the “clear” is to show that the proper
“Flush” is taking place.
A person...