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  1. S

    sweetener 950 and 951 in Protein supps

    It all depends on what other chemicals that is included in the mix and how your body deals with them. My wife is a cancer research nurse (clinical trials) at the University Of Florida and I hear a lot about cancer on a daily basis . The reaction in the body depends on the individuals resistance...
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    After reading the below statement from Brian It seems like a great thing . "To explore the "myotropic" (muscle-promoting) effects of ecdysterone,researchers tested two groups of animals, one using ecdysterone and the other using Russian dianabol (Dbol). It was shown that...
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    Ecdysterones revisited

    After reading the first article I’m impressed. I have at least 10 bottles of this stuff. I think I’m going to give it a try .
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    Has anyone used this . If so ! what results ?
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    What about “DHEA” ?

    I’m over 50 y o and been taking DHEA for a short time. What I’ve read on DHEA it appears to be a good thing in increasing testosterone. What do you think ?
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    HST For Dummies

    Why try to change a proven method. The 15’s have their purpose. Just remember that 6 months down the road it going to be a lots heaver. Just do it by the “book” and there won’t be any excuses. I hate to say this, but “go back read the FAQ’s”. (Got that from Blade) First go find your 15RM on a...
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    Adjustable KB's

    Never mind ! I found out how to use it .
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    heat can reduce atrophy

    However, with a sauna you don’t submerge your body into water. Therefore, it must be different than a hot tub in reference to scalding .
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    heat can reduce atrophy

    Each year, approximately 3,800 injuries and 34 deaths occur in the home due to scalding from excessively hot tap water. The majority of these accidents involve the elderly and children under the age of five. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) urges all users to lower their water...
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    Adjustable KB's

    How is this used ?
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    Need Recipe

    Whole Wheat Pancakes 2 cups of whole wheat flour 1 teaspoon of sea salt 2 teaspoons of low sodium baking powder 2 cups of milk 2 eggs, well beaten 2 tablespoons of unrefined oil Mix all of the dry ingredients together. Mix the liquid ingredients and add to the dry ingredients. Stir, adding a...
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    best sources of protein

    Check this link out on carb's
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    What is volume and frequency

    Can someone give me the definition of “volume and frequency” as it pertains to HST. Please just a simple answer if possible . So I’m sure I’m on the right track. Volume= Frequency=
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    Ironagers diets, why use todays methods?

    An adequate diet with all the proper proportions and a good multi vitamin would be all you needed. Your body will tell you what it needs. It’s just that we (most of us) are not in tune with it. We have to learn to recognize the needs before they begin to cannibalize us. I know that in the past...
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    best sources of protein

    Here is the low-down on the best sources of protein and when to consume them to maximize their benefits to your muscle-building and weight-loss efforts. The source for my information is the article "Protein Power 8 top sources of protein, why you need them and how to use them, by Jose...
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    heat can reduce atrophy

    At 140 it would boil your @$$ to a prune ! I have mine set a 106 and everyone say's it is to hot .
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    Whats wrong with eating beans for protein ? pooooot
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    Homemade leverage dip assist machine

    Let me make it easy
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    Suggested Routines

    Howdy again I want to start off by thanking you for your reply . A little about me . I started working out with the steel when I was about 15 or so. It all started with the back cover of a Superman comic book. It said “ Do you want sand kicked in your eyes like the guy in the picture?” It was...
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    Suggested Routines

    Well here is your change. I've learned a long time ago that there is more that one correct answer for most subjects.(Skin the cat) In addition, the more info/suggestions I get the better off I am. Moreover, only being around this HST subject for only a little more that a week I not quite sure...