Search results

  1. M

    Yohimbe & Yohimbine

    Ok I could be totally wrong here but this is what I've gathered and am taking this from the top of my head. Yohimbine is said to block A2 receptors which are more active in certain areas of the body than in others. The receptors cause your body to resist the release of fat from the cells in...
  2. M

    eating for growth

    All I can say is that you've got to count your calories. Pain in the @$$ I know but that site helps a holy crap ton by keeping track of every detail of everything you eat. That in itself is a means of keeping you headed in the right direction. The only important thing is...
  3. M

    Is this enough to get results??????

    Creatine Monohydrate by itself is definately worth the money. Dump a heaping teaspoon in your shake before workout and whenever you drink it on off days. Heh as for the grape nuts, ignore the misconceptions everyone has about them. I swear they're good, they're probably the best tasting...
  4. M

    Protein and ..uh potency

    Rofl I hope she's not doing that. Though now I'm kinda suspicious. But I've heard of birth control just not working on some people. Strange but possible.
  5. M

    Is this enough to get results??????

    Yes, for one thing if you get the chocolate kind I get it tastes dang good. Like real hersheys chocolate milk for the most part. They have calories and combined with 2 scoops and 2 cups of fat free milk will only further boost protein and calories. My protein is 100% whey from GNC 20g protein...
  6. M

    couple of questions about EC stack

    I'd like that same answer. He stated in the FAQ that keeping it low due to insulin spikes was recommended for best results. He also said that a proper calorie deficiancy would most likely cover that problem and that an atkins diet wasn't necessary. However he never mentioned how many grams...
  7. M

    Protein and ..uh potency

    I've had two instances in the past several months since I started where the whole birth control uh.. utilities just have not worked on my gf. I'm just wondering if protein gives me more power down there. Seeing how it now magically penetrates latex and that whole mucose barrier thing. She's...
  8. M

    does my diet look okay?

    Calkid is right, you gotta track every detail of what you eat, that helps a crap ton, its a pain in the @$$ to put in all the food details and takes about 2 weeks to get it all in there but its just two mins to add stuff after that throughout the day. Just add foods as you eat them...
  9. M

    Is this enough to get results??????

    If you think you got a good workout going then eating would be whats holding you back. I've the only experience with nasty tasting weight gain powders is a nightmare of gaggery. I suggest you start mixing the chocolate protein shakes in fat free milk to help boost your calorie intake. Put 1...
  10. M

    Draper's Tuna & Water

    Tuna is probably the best protein source there is since chunk light tuna contains about 30g per small can and only 1.5g of fat and 0 carbs. Its some awesome stuff. As for the water weight I wouldn't worry about that I still lost water and fat using tuna. I'd go farther though and mix it with...
  11. M

    Tricep exercises

    I've been using close grip (2-3 inches apart) flat bench press as my meathod of training triceps for now. So far I'm seeing them continue to grow. I might switch to a tricep machine next cycle just for a change but this seems to be working just fine.
  12. M

    Summary of HST principles

    Sounds great to me!
  13. M

    Lean mass gains

    You sure about all that Micmic? Wish I could train twice a day instead. Unfortunately training twice a day is definately not possible for most people, especially someone like me who works from 7a-4p. I'd have to get up early and thats a physical impossibility considering the time I fall...
  14. M

    ECA stacks

    Guess you have to be a genetic winner to use it w/o problems. So far ephedra itself hasn't done anything out of the ordinary. I went ahead and ordered the eca stacks I'm gonna give it a try.
  15. M

    Need help getting started with HST

    They definately need a machine that will add weight to dips, something to hook your feet into.
  16. M

    ECA stacks

    I'm in my cutting phase and just want to know what the risks and benefits are for these and if its worth the money. Trying to get rid of the dang stubborn gut fat, the diet can only take me so far and on top of that my appetite is gigantic. I have no history of high blood pressure or heart...
  17. M

    Lean mass gains

    Call me crazy but couldn't you lose weight on pizza and beer provided the total calories are under mantainence? Would be a horrible diet considering how much you'd starve for most the day and possibly lose muscle since it wouldn't add up to very much protein but still..
  18. M

    Daily Calories

    I don't think there's any real answer to that question. Like the person above said, it depends on your goal. Personally I stay roughly the same whether in deficit or surplus mode. Unlike Dianabol I drink the same a mount of protein every day and try to get the rest of the ~1g/lb from elsewhere.
  19. M

    shopping list

    100% whole wheat bread - natures own usually tastes the best Horizon organic milk kraft singles - 24 large eggs fresh ground serloin beef turkey and ham lunch meat from whole foods: organic fruit arrowhead mills oat bran barleans flaxseed oil with fiber I dunno, the rest is up in the air
  20. M

    Organic grassfed beef!

    Where do you find organic grassfed beef?