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    Preacer curl question

    Ahh, I get it now. Thanks again, Kate.
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    Preacer curl question

    Looks like more good advice the Queen of Form! I always think of my scapulae during my bent-over row thanks to you, Kate, so I'll have to keep these tidibits in mind, as well. One question: you say not to 'lock out' at the top of a movement. I'm assuming that you mean that the lift should be...
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    Preacer curl question

    I like the sound of that, Fausto. I haven't had much success with mass in the areas with are hit with isolation movements, like the biceps, lateral deltoids and traps (some success, but not enough to hide my collar bones). Should supersets (or just 2 sets in general) should be used with these...
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    Preacer curl question

    I workout at home, so I don't have access to a preacher curl stand. I do have a Weider home gym that has a squat rack and bench. If I set the bench to incline and lean against it (chest to bench), and grasp the curl bar with my elbows on the bar that determines the inclination of the bench...
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    How to shrug

    Sorry to resurrect this one, but I want to mention the progress I've seen. It's only been a bit more than a week since I began doing shrugs properly, but they are almost literally growing before my eyes. It's amazing, especially for me; I have had protruding collar bones for as long as I can...
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    ? for those who don't get enough protein

    I continually read posts on messageboards and newsgroups about people who cannot get enough protein in their bulking diets and therefore rely on MRPs or whey shakes. When I'm bulking, I cannot help but get more than enough protein. However, I factor in every single gram into my Excel spreadsheet...
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    Help me with my Post Workout Shake

    I've been doing a little research on the internet (we all know how dangerous that can be), and I've read from several sources that one shouldn't use milk in a post-workout shake, as the casein prevents the rapid absorption of protein. My shake has been made of: 1 scoop whey protein, 2 cups milk...
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    How to shrug

    As I was working out yesterday, I made a change to the way I performed shrugs. I am not particularly pleased with my trap development, so I thought I might have been performing the movement wrong. Previously, I would merely hold the bar and draw my shoulders up as far as they would go. This last...
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    your results with HST...

    I finally have something to contribute to the thread that has given me so much encouragement and inspiration. I should note that this cycle I took a short SD and maxed out on my 15s very early. The cycle wasn't going well. I intended to bulk, but since there were no size or strength gains at the...
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    SD Nutrition

    I am now on an SD, my least favorite part of HST. Anyways, I am curious if I should be eating a certain type of macronutrient ratio while SDing. While cutting, I ate 35/32/33 (C/F/P) a day. Should I change the ratios? I'm thinking of dropping some fat for carbs, but I figured I might as well...
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    I need some chest and other upper body advice.

    I hope I can do 5. I am doing negs with the pulldowns. For the eccentric, I hang my 168 lb self from the bar, which is enough to move the 250 lbs connected to it. I do not know my 'free weight' max; I haven't attempted a real pullup in about a year. I don't think I'll let that sway me, though...
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    I need some chest and other upper body advice.

    Thank you for the advice and olive branch, Fausto. We cannot pretend that we have no epistemological and ethical differences, but I am happy that we can talk muscle. My head is much bigger than my muscles, though hopefully my body can catch up. Yesterday as an experiment, I actually did lateral...
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    I need some chest and other upper body advice.

    Oops. I forgot to mention that I did buy some olympic dumbells. I've switched to lateral raises halfway through the cycle (yeah, I know, but I couldn't wait). Obviously, there isn't much difference (I think my lagging right shoulder might be catching up, though), but they're definately a needed...
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    I need some chest and other upper body advice.

    Rather than start a new thread, I'm just adding another question here. I added dips halfway through this cycle (I finally discovered a use for patio furniture). I went from 4 to 7 reps in two weeks. My chest got a little bigger, even though I am cutting weight! So thank you, Micmic! Next...
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    I need some chest and other upper body advice.

    Thanks for the replies. Micmic, it looks like you gave me some good advice, but I have some questions. Why would you change keystones to SLDLs? I used to do SLDLs, but my form was horrible. I switched to keystones, and not only do I not burn out my lower back, but I also can do the movement...
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    I need some chest and other upper body advice.

    About a year and a half ago, I was working on a set of bench presses. I had a a pain in my chest, but since I did more reps the previous session, I tried to push through it. Needless to say, I injured myself, and I had to remove the bench press from my routine for about 4 months. While I...
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    Quality of protein

    I get a lot of my protein from grain sources. I do get them from tuna, turkey, milk etc. but most of it comes from grains, like oatmeal, bread, and bran flakes. I hear that it doesn't matter where you get your proteins, just as long as you get them. Anyway, my gains aren't exactly fantastic, so...