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  1. S

    Growth Plate Fusion

    I am a short guy standing at 5'6" at 19 years of age so I have talked with doctors and done some of my own research regarding growth plate fusion. Many times your growth plates do not completely fuse until around 25, but this does not mean one will grow taller. You can effectively stop...
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    Maintaining Caloric Intake

    I believe your food intake is easier to manage when bulking. My diet has not been all too fantastic this summer because my mom cannot cook and I would probably burn the house down if I tried. Plus since it is summer, I work seven days a week. My diet is better at school. (I actually LOST five...
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    Duration of workouts?

    Thor, I know this may be an unholy statement so take it with a grain of salt, but I never do all that much "warmup." I have a similar routine but I simply do less warmup. I basically do a bunch of pushups to warm up the chest and tris, a few body squats to warm up the legs, and a few...
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    I believe traps are an incredible muscle to develop--for me, nothing seems more impressive than a guy walking along with huge traps. Needless to say, I love to work my traps. In any kind of rowing motion I tend to get a pump in my traps but what has definitely worked the best for me is the tried...
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    Calves, Abs, And HST

    Please keep piling up the advice ladies and gentlemen because my calves could be snapped by a brisk wind! ;)
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    Who cares about steroids?

    I'm waiting for my girlfriend to pick me up for some Rita's so naturally in the interim, I am reading the HST forums. ;) Steroids will always be an effective way for any bodybuilder to put on mass, if used properly and quite frankly in the actual sport of competitive bodybuilding, steroids...
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    Strength & muscles

    It is definitely possible to become stronger without gaining any muscle or fat. I also conducted a 2 month HIT program (one set to failure around 8-12 reps, increase weight every workout) and made tremendous gains in strength without any increase in size. It's a good thing I found HST! There...
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    how much sugar is ok?

    Earlier in the post the discussion focused on the sugar content of sodas. I don't know how all of you feel about the effect of soda on body fat levels, but my girlfriend is about 5'7", 120 pounds and consumes 3-4 cokes every day. Bless her because I don't know about you guys, but I banned...
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    hyperthetical question

    Since HST espouses the importance of progressive load in hypertrophy training, I would imagine that simply keeping your maxes at the same level for each cycle would maintain muscle mass yet prevent noticeable hypertrophy. If you have already reached a level of muscle mass you are happy with, it...
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    my new higher frequency program

    Joe G, I cannot easily fit into my schedule the frequency some such as Totentanz and O&G do so whenever I have a chance, I will walk down to my basement and perform a few sets of incline bench and barbell row. My legs are genetically well off, plus I am more concerned with my upper body, so...
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    O&G, you are too valuable a member of this community to up and leave over a dispute over research--that is the purpose of this forum. I am assuming the thread that has upset you is this one: Here Having read the thread, it is clear that Aaron_F was simply trying to argue over research...
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    Preserving Joints & Connective Tissues

    Well, I suppose I can offer an inverse example in order to examine this question: Stretching before the primary athletic scenario (ex, prior to sprinting, lifting a heavy weight, etc) is indeed widespread throughout the world of athletes. I know when I did track my coach always made us conduct...
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    the frequency poll

    Now on summer break, I work 7 days a week and due to home cooking (awful), I find it difficult to consume enough clean food to support a 5 day per week program, so instead I do a regular M W F split. However, when I return to college at the end of August, I plan on using a full body routine 5...
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    Some more questions

    I agree. I suppose a better question for discussion is, how long does it take for muscle to atrophy? Does muscle really atrophy significantly in one week? Will someone's progress be wiped away if he/she went on a weeklong vacation to the beach and decided to eat more steak instead of pasta? I'm...
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    Heavy Duty Dude, I usually don't superset because until I return to school, I must use my home gym which is basically a bench and a squat rack. Supersetting makes no logistical sense for me under this scenario as I prefer to use my barbell for most exercises, therefore I'd have to strip the...
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    HST Log

    daxie, If you feel the need to increase volume in the form of sets, then feel free. I know in the FAQ Bryan mentions that you should increase volume if you NEVER feel even a little sore or if you are not tired after your workouts. I had a brief (and unsuccsessful) stint with HIT, but I do...
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    Some more questions

    BigL, I believe he means that if you SD you will basically be going a week without any exercise, therefore this could have a negative impact on your fat loss. So, perhaps you could either stop weight training for a week and do HIIT sprint workouts, or you could simply not exercise for that week...
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    weigt increment help

    Chickenmonkey, Don't worry, your maxes are very similar to mine! I'm only 5'6" and had never lifted prior to this HST cycle so as you can guess I'm not particularly strong. Everyone here has given you great recommendations but since I have a strength level almost identical to yours, I can...
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    5000 Registered Members

    I couldn't be happier that I found HST in the first place, but of course I'm also grateful for this forum. The members here seem unusually intelligent, respectful and optimistic about training. Keep up all the good work guys, I read this stuff every day!
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    New pic is up after cutting cycle

    I'm sure your abs will definitely start to get that great, muscular chiseled look once you drop even more bodyfat and I bet you can do that in a month--your diet sounds excellent, you even get good protein before/after training like Bryan recommends. But just in case your abs don't come in...