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  1. S

    How do you spend your free time?

    I'd say it depends on what time of year it is! I'm a 19 year old college student so during the summer I work 7 days a week and hang out with my gf and/or friends every night--you know, usual things like heading to the movies, diners (I live in Jersey and love it), parties. I love to play pickup...
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    JV, As you know, as far as muscle hypertrophy is concerned, your height is irrelevant--if you want big muscles, you can get big muscles, regardless of height. I'm only 5'6" and nearly complete with one cycle of HST and I've already received compliments from a variety of individuals (read...
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    OMR, I'm a 19 year old college student so I'm right with you as far as age goes and trust me, you should know you've got a superior body to the vast majority of guys our age! You're definately big all around, but also you are pretty ripped--no beer belly that's for sure! I suppose it depends on...
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    Milk and Acne

    Actually, Accutane is very different from any OTC and prescription acne medications. It practically is that "magic cure" for acne, except it comes with side effects such as severely dry skin and chapped lips, plus pregnant women cannot take it as it will cause defects in their...
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    Help going from 15 to 10

    I believe somewhere in the FAQ it says to increase weight by 20% from 15's to 10's and then by only 15% from 10's to 5's. I did this for my first cycle and it worked except I was a little too optimistic about my strength gains so my 5 maxes ended up lower than calculated.
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    Loaded Stretches

    Hey everyone, I read alot about how effective "loaded stretches" are, especially for arm growth, but quite frankly I don't know exactly what they are/how to perform them. I did a search too but everything was about whether or not to "load" creatine. Can anyone please tell me...
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    getting discouraged

    jwbond, I understand your frustration. I am quite surprised that after 5 years you haven't made good gains, but perhaps that may just be because you, like me, are your worst critic and that your gains have been so gradual you haven't really noticed. I also empathize with your constant...
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    The Smell of Fish Oil

    I supplement my HST with protein powder and creatine but yesterday I decided I may as well add some EFAs in the form of Windmill OmegaIII Fish Oil Concentrate with DHA and EPA. (This is probably the only brand I'd want to buy because it is sold at the pharmacy I work at so I get a great discount...
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    Vince Gironda's oldschool info

    Well, if I may join in. Maybe people disagree, but I've always known women to love a big butt. I'm not talking huge fat flabby, but rather one that kinda sticks out in a muscular fashion. What women aren't into are flat buttocks. I say, squat away brother! All my female friends like my results...
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    Whole Wheat Pasta

    Thanks for the response. To answer your questions, I am a 19 year old male, 5'5", 130 pounds. I have a high metabolism, am not sensitive to carbs and I am trying to bulk. In fact, I just ordered some protein and creatine and am currently using this week to accurately measure my maxes. I...
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    Whole Wheat Pasta

    Hey, Does anyone have any opinions/scientific facts on Whole Wheat Blend Pasta?  I LOVE pasta and I simply will never give it up.  I know refined carbs like regular pasta are not the healthy kind I should be eating in my diet, so I decided to try this: Ronzoni Healthy Harvest Whole Wheat Blend...