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    Apple Cider Vinegar

    i bought it in PILL form 500 mg capsules!!
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    Apple Cider Vinegar

    i believe it facilitates better glycogen replishment and to an extent prevents fat storage as a result.
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    Load & Volume

    I am thinking choice B would probably be the best, and then add some pumping sets perhaps during only the AM or PM workout in order to maximize the metabolic protein signalling. i'm going to create a new routine i think it will look VERY similiar to Old and Grey's with except i will not be...
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    Load & Volume

    Where is Bryan?
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    Apple Cider Vinegar

    Hey guys, just picked up some apple cider vinegar! So when should i be taking this and how much?
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    Load & Volume

    Thanks for your answers i'm amazed dan could not answer all the Qs! hopefully bryan can help!!!
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    Load & Volume

    OH, and is there any benefit to increasing TUT, in a single workout as apposed to simply increasing the total workouts per week? lol WHOA, that gets ALOT of questions i've had built up in me for a while lol... i HOPE you guys can help me out!!
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    Load & Volume

    Hey guys, I have been thinking alot about load & volume lately, Particularly when heading towards the end of the cycle. I think most of us here know that as the weight gets heavier, our ability to achieve sufficient time under tension diminishes. The weight becomes too heavy to support long...
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    HST and Measuring

    Personally, i measure a day before i start a cycle. Maybe not the best time. What about you?
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    Exercises to avoid

    I beleive alot of it has to do with form and body type.
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    Tc the advanced HST'ers

    The idea of SD is to make the muscle once again susceptable to microtrauma, and to reverse the effects of RBE. That is not to say you can gain muscle indefintely with the same weight, i'm sure for a time you can but following the princinple of progressive load, the weights must increase. This...
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    it is just puffy nipple? i was never fat... but my nipples are a bit puffy .. my bodyfat is about 10-11 right now i'd say they're less puffy with less bodyfat. i'm gonna ask the Dr about it, i'd really like those glands removed anyways.
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    Exercises to avoid

    Listen, this is a thread on exercises to avoid, alot of these exercises are controversial. You don't have to jump down my throat i'm simply stating my opinion on them, hence the "IMO" - ie. IN MY OPINION, not stating it as a fact. I'm contributing that's all. Most of these lifts...
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    Started too early

    I think he's trying to get back to the MWF routine. not that it makes a difference, but maybe the scheduling is more convienient.
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    Milk and Acne

    Diet??? I'm a little confused at where you are going with that? :confused: i am currently dieting, tho.
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    determining my true body fat %

    Not all gyms use the SAME calculations to figure out bodyfat!! Alot of health clubs have been told NOT to tell a person their bodyfat, because if they go to ONE gym and get ONE reading and go to ANOTHER and get ANOTHER (due to the different methods of calcualtion) they might be very...
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    determining my true body fat %

    Everyone is different, if you went to a repuatable gym and got a test done it SHOULD be fairly accurate... what sites did they pinch and what were the readings i can help you with that. if you like.
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    Milk and Acne

    No thanks i'm SICK of drugs, i used to try all the diff. soaps, i tryed like 3 medications, nothing did a thing. Even tried that PRO-ACTIVE hogwash, usless, BTW. I just forgot about it, it's not bad on my face anymore just my neck chest and back.