Milk and Acne


New Member
I was reading through some old posts and i noticed that a few people have cut dariy out of their diet in order to eliminate their acne.

Personally i've always had acne since about the age 16, i'm 20 now.

I've ALWAYS drank alot of milk. So i'm going to try cutting it out of my diet and see what happens.

my question is, i take ALOT of whey protein, so if i take the milk out will it even make a difference? Knowing whey is derived from milk protein?? Will the Whey itself contribute to my acne the way milk would?

i know that if i cut out the milk and still have acne no chance i'm cutting the whey out, and i'll just use milk again, if i have acne n e ways.

Thanks in advance!

I would have to see some study that Dan would pull up about milk being linked to acne. In any case that it slightly is connected, then why worry about it? I am 20 years old as well, drink loads of milk, and I don't have a problem with acne. If you're that concerned about it, go get some facial-cleansing products or even consult a doctor for medication.

The studies are very limited and this is another case of someone taking one or two studies and blowing it out of proportion. One study found a significant average P of 1.2 in correlation between milk product ingestion and acne. Even though milk may have been a contibutory factor I doubt milk alone was the culprit.
Whoa, if i read those correctly there is a link.

Also i'm thinking if milk has all these hormones in them, could they be beneficial for training in any sense??

Or is it like pro-hormones - useless?

Anyways i'm cutting out milk, Anyone have any idea if WHEY PROTEIN may be cause for concern? or is it for the most part purified of all the "nasties"?
that research is amongst the most pathetic piece of garbage to be put out from Havard in a long time. Absolutely retarded
[b said:
Quote[/b] (baby a @ July 12 2005,7:09)]Dude, it's not the are 20.  Thats what happens.
Yeah, why are you worrying about this? Why drop something that you like to drink that is also beneficial to your health. As I said before, if your acne is that bad consult Eckerd or the doctor.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Aaron_F @ July 13 2005,3:34)]that research is amongst the most pathetic piece of garbage to be put out from Havard in a long time.  Absolutely retarded
I agree, they pretty much admit to it themselves in the last few sentences, "we could be wrong because these questionaires were based on someone's recall of events from what 9 years ago" (paraphrasing of course), that's sad.
is it not worth a shot? restless cut the milk out of his diet and in 2 weeks he said his acne was gone, i think it's worth a shot. Worst comes to worst i use it again? no big deal??

I just replace the milk i'm using with more whey for a while! whey is cheaper n e ways.
No thanks i'm SICK of drugs, i used to try all the diff. soaps, i tryed like 3 medications, nothing did a thing. Even tried that PRO-ACTIVE hogwash, usless, BTW. I just forgot about it, it's not bad on my face anymore just my neck chest and back.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (OneMoreRep @ July 14 2005,8:48)]is it not worth a shot? restless cut the milk out of his diet and in 2 weeks he said his acne was gone, i think it's worth a shot. Worst comes to worst i use it again? no big deal??
I just replace the milk i'm using with more whey for a while! whey is cheaper n e ways.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (OneMoreRep @ July 14 2005,8:48)]is it not worth a shot? restless cut the milk out of his diet and in 2 weeks he said his acne was gone, i think it's worth a shot. Worst comes to worst i use it again? no big deal??
I just replace the milk i'm using with more whey for a while! whey is cheaper n e ways.

and if your worried about the 'hormones' in milk, they will be concentrated into the whey, as they are a part of the liquid fraction of milk..

but like normal it will make no difference as they still ahve to be digested to actually do anything
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]No thanks i'm SICK of drugs, i used to try all the diff. soaps, i tryed like 3 medications, nothing did a thing. Even tried that PRO-ACTIVE hogwash, usless, BTW. I just forgot about it, it's not bad on my face anymore just my neck chest and back.
Actually, Accutane is very different from any OTC and prescription acne medications. It practically is that "magic cure" for acne, except it comes with side effects such as severely dry skin and chapped lips, plus pregnant women cannot take it as it will cause defects in their children! Anyway, the point is that I had to take it once and it completely cured my acne while everything else failed, so, if your acne really bothers you, I would ask a dermatologist if it would be worth a shot. But, please be sure to let everyone know if ceasing to drink milk really makes a significant change in your complexion!