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  1. O


    Viscious,who-ever can answer the following.. i was wondering what % increment should be used and what  how long should each be used for? for example; (6 days a week schedule) (Each % of 5RM) 60% x 2-3 W/Os 65% x 2-3 W/Os 70% x 2-3 W/Os 75% x 3-4 W/Os 80% x 3-4 W/Os 85% x 3-4 W/Os 90% x...
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    Bryan, what do you think about cluster-style-HST, in which there is no set pattern for rep-count and set-number? For example if you were to simple take you 1RM or 5RM and start with say 60% of that weight, and bang out say 20 reps with that weight, (not hitting failure but 1-2 reps from it)...
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    Reviews of Training Programs

    With this cluster training am i to understand there are no intial rep ranges to focus on? u just go just short of positive failure, and reach 30-50 reps each exercise?? for example... Bench press you 1RM is 250 lbs you may start with say 60% of that and use 150 for ur first w/o say you onyl...
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    MAX OT vs HST

    don't think so. HST is the best. fi havent been in the gym for a while and u hit up MAX-OT you will probably get overuse injuries.
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    lifting for a pump

    I beleive i read somewhere that the muscle is "done" when u feel a slight/mild stretch on the muscle, similiar to when u stretch. Not sure if i read pump, but like dkm said it COULD be there.
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    No Swimming during days off

    my best guess, swimming is VERY metabolically taxing. here are a few stats. for every mile traveled Jogging - 100 cals running - 100 cals walking - 100 cals biking - 50 cals swimming - 200 cals
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    No of Sets

    Bryan i was thinking it could be really helpful if you could make a complete and detailed journal of one FULL HST cycle you complete. like sets, reps etc i think it'd be really handy to look over.
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    No of Sets

    do you have a specific # of reps you like to hit??? like for example supposing for squats you'd want to hit 30 reps.. so during the 15s you might only need to do 2 sets, while during the 10s and 5s you may need as many as 6-8 how do you go about keeping them # of reps total constant??
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    MAX OT vs HST

    what is your exercise selection like?
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    New pics are up

    i think you look pretty impressive, shouldn't take much to get lean for you. eating clean and pletny cardio tends to work well for me. (7 days a week)
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    New pics are up

    i think you look pretty impressive, shouldn't take much to get lean for you. eating clean and pletny cardio tends to work well for me. (7 days a week)
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    New pics are up

    what are your stats? how long you been at it?
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    New pics are up

    what are your stats? how long you been at it?
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    Back Exercises

    O & G if i were doing 6 W/O in the typical m/w/f format. it'd would take 2 weeks to complete 6 of them correct? but for the M workout i do it on tuesday as well, and the wednesday workout i do it on thursday as well. get it?
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    Back Exercises

    O & G if i were doing 6 W/O in the typical m/w/f format. it'd would take 2 weeks to complete 6 of them correct? but for the M workout i do it on tuesday as well, and the wednesday workout i do it on thursday as well. get it?
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    Genetic Potential

    I've been training for bout 4 yrs now. HST/SERIOUS training on and off for maybe 1.5 yrs now. i'm natural yes. not completely sure of my other measurements right now. my measurements are close to yours tho aside from the fact my joints are smaller, waist as well. i might post measurements at...
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    Back Exercises

    I do the following routine. Squat - x2 Dips - x2 Chins - x2 Milatary Press - x2 For the 15s i find myself almost rushing thru the chin ups and i don't like to have to do that...i usually use bodyweight for 2 workouts then 10 lbs then 20 lbs.. 0 0 10 10 20 20, (since im doing 6 days a week i...
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    Back Exercises

    I do the following routine. Squat - x2 Dips - x2 Chins - x2 Milatary Press - x2 For the 15s i find myself almost rushing thru the chin ups and i don't like to have to do that...i usually use bodyweight for 2 workouts then 10 lbs then 20 lbs.. 0 0 10 10 20 20, (since im doing 6 days a week i...
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    Genetic Potential

    they can't be all right... ROUGH generalization at best.... my ankle is barely 8.25 and my quads are 24 mind u at 10-12 % bf... but still... i've only just turned 20.
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    Genetic Potential

    i hope those aren't set in stone... i have small joints...