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  1. J

    Diet for HST

    Sure. The concept isn't that complicated. Many knowledgable people here, plus info in the FAQ, so just ask.
  2. J

    Diet for HST

    Try this: Eating For Size
  3. J

    Wax on, Wax off!

    You could mow it. ;) Serioiusly... you could consider using a trimmer & cutting it a bit closer, to maybe 1/4 inch or something like that. Some girls dig the hair, too.
  4. J

    Diet for HST

    Welcome aboard, BigJ! No offense intended, but if it's working so well for you, why switch?
  5. J

    first cycle-fat gain, second cycle-help!

    2500 calories is just a bit shy of what you'd need for LBM gain at 180 lbs. Assuming all is "normal" you'd probably be just over 2000 for maintenance. If you want to lose weight, you need to create the caloric deficit with less food, more activity, or some combination. I'd suggest...
  6. J

    Meal Content (mixing fat and Carbs)

    Well, that's where I read about it (the P+C and P+F meal thing). Maybe there's something to it, and maybe there isn't - he cites many studies to support - but it's really a pain in the neck to plan it to that level, at least for me.
  7. J

    Starbucks Mocha.....

    Unless you're drinking 10 a day, I probably wouldn't worry about it. A little whipped cream & skim milk won't kill the diet... :)
  8. J

    Negatives and dropsets for women?

    Better hope she's not reading this!
  9. J

    Dieting question?

    That's some great progress! Keep crankin' away... In the meantime, you might be interested in this article on diet/exercise/fat loss from Bryan; especially, see the part on losing stubborn fat.
  10. J


    It's recommended to just toss it into your pre-workout drink. On off days, just dissolve it in 8oz water or whatever drink you like (except orange juice & similar). Read this post on creatine for Bryan's thoughts.
  11. J


    One thing to be aware of is the carbs associated with the milk, even skim/fat-free. If you are being particular about limiting your carb intake - whatever your reason - don't drink too many milk/protein shakes. Those carbs add up quickly.
  12. J

    for all the diet guru's

    Here's the link: Eating for Size
  13. J

    Calorie Deficit and Protein

    Sorry if my math was off when I mentioned the 30oz. of meat - hey, it was late... Using the protein powder shake is good to reduce the sheer bulk of the food you have to eat; not always as full, and is digested more quickly so you can eat again more easily 2-3 hours later. Edit: According to...
  14. J

    Elbow position, use of abdominals

    Couple basic lifting issues I'm wondering about lately: Elbow position during incline DB press If you keep your elbows tucked in close to your chest, as opposed to away (with upper arms nearly perpendicular to chest), does it affect involvement of pec and/or front delts? Use of abs during...
  15. J

    Pre-post nutrition

    Under normal "gain" circumstances, you'd want to take your post- drink (about .4g/kg protein and .8g/kg carbs) immeidately after your workout. Then, resume normal eating pattern 1.5 hours or so later. I was told (here, I believe) that for fat loss: - light-moderate cardio for 15-20...
  16. J

    Calorie Deficit and Protein

    Remember - 1g of protein (or carb) equals 4 calories, doesn't matter where it comes from. 1g fat equals 9 calories. That's a lot of lean meat - 30+ ounces a day. For 200g protein, that's 800 calories or about 35% of your 2300 total intake.
  17. J


    Toss it into your pre-workout protein drink.
  18. J

    Fat storage

    Hey Mike - It's coming slowly, which is probably best. Seem to be hanging on to the (little!) muscle I have, also good. I am only doing 20-30 cardio 2-3x (early morning before 1st meal) per week at this point - I'm not doing the HIIT part at the beginning as Lyle describes. I've cut...
  19. J

    Convienient Protein....

    Exactly what I do. Works great.
  20. J

    The importance of eating

    Can you say... "cardio"??! Relax - spring break chicks dig lovehandles... Seriously, sounds like watching the cals (and overall carbs & fat) will help, but you may need to get some cardio going if you aren't already. I assume you plan to eat around maintenance or slightly...