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  1. J

    Hammer Curls

    Here ya go: Armblaster
  2. J

    Hammer Curls

    I also like incline hammer curls. My favorite way to do them is inclined in my Lazy-Boy, also at about a 30 degree angle with feet elevated, and use an ice cold 12-16oz weight. As many reps as possible - though I do try to avoid "failure".
  3. J


    Update: after 2 weeks of use at 300mg/day, I have decided to stop. I don't notice any appreciable difference while using (unless I am missing something very subtle). I'm going to save the 1+ bottles I have for future use.
  4. J

    Contradictions in HSN Nutrition

    Lance, you are absolutely right. No problem. Go for it, see how it goes & adjust accordingly. If you start getting too much fat (you may also gain water weight w/ all the carbs) just cut back a little. Slow & steady weight gain will = less fat gain. Faster you try to gain, faster...
  5. J

    Contradictions in HSN Nutrition

    1--> Right, and I'll be the first to admit that I did not have my bulking diet totally dialed in last time around, but I believe there is no way I can consume those calories & not end up looking like a flabby train wreck. Everyone is different (the second most commonly used term here...
  6. J

    Contradictions in HSN Nutrition

    If I understood correctly: 15% of 3600 calories = 540 cals = 135g protein. Do you weigh 135lb? If we take the 200lb person, his protein intake should be 200g, which is 800 cals. If that's 15% of total intake, his total would be. . . 5333 cals. Ain't no way. Can you say...
  7. J

    Contradictions in HSN Nutrition

    Lance, what are your goals for your training/nutrition currently?
  8. J


    Thanks for the suggestions guys; will have to look into those.
  9. J

    When I get hungry I get tired

    Perpetual bulking/carb-up! ;)
  10. J

    How to add a Word Doc to a post

    Elle - you can't post w/ attachments in this forum. Have to do it in HST or General. Not sure why, but there it is...
  11. J

    fat loss products

    Sounds good Steve - you must be happy w/ those results. Keep us posted. Too bad lovehandles aren't considered VAT or I'd give it a try!
  12. J


    Update: blemishes I had are now about gone, so was probably just coincidental. I may just finish out the bottle (will last me 3 weeks) and see, but I'll probably keep the 2nd bottle "in the hole" for future use if I ever do a PH cycle. TP - After a couple weeks I am beginning to...
  13. J

    hsn alternatives

    Would ON's whey (100% whey, I think it's called) be considered a "fast" protein? I thought of it as being a slow(er) one. I am using it as a normal protein supp & was planning to use it post-WO when my Driver is gone.
  14. J


    Update: have a couple 'bacne' blemishes show up in the past couple days. It could be coincidence, as that does happen occasionally, though I suspect it is due to the 6-OXO. Other than that, no noticable changes + or -. No noticable E-related water/fat loss, no libido increase. :confused: Someone...
  15. J

    i really really need help

    Chuck, are you at a caloric deficit daily & weekly? If not, you won't lose anything. You need to be -3500 cals or so to lose 1lb fat over a week. Maybe post your diet (if it's consistent enough) - do you know your maintenance calorie level? If you don't drop cals, then you have to up...
  16. J

    i really really need help

    BIZ, can you elaborate a little on how you would go about doing this? Are you talking just going less cals over maintenance?
  17. J

    How to SD?

    Post some pics so we can see what you're describing.
  18. J

    Post WO Shake Causes Bloat & Burpes

    I would suggest going with 4-8 oz for each of your pre- and post- drinks. Drink whatever you like during; I often will drink a bottled water, which is 20oz, during my workout.
  19. J

    How to SD?

    Singleton, Heard the old saying, "that which does not kill me, makes me stronger"? It might be tough, but you'll make it - and be better for it. Hang in there.