Search results

  1. J

    Amino acid uptake

  2. J

    Creatine making me sick!

    I personally have had no side effects from creatine use. In fact, I'm not sure it's really had any effect, to tell the truth. The only supp problem I've had is with protein. I first used GNC 100% whey & it does not agree with me - major "rectal chatter". In fact, the gas got so...
  3. J

    How to SD?

    Dude I think it's a joke. Lighten up Francis. ;) Just some humor - no offense intended. :D
  4. J

    How to SD?

    I'm probably oversimplifying here, but if you are untrained you wouldn't need much SD, if any (only lifting is to determine your RMs). On the other hand, if you are very experienced & well-trained/conditioned (perhaps did HIT-type extended dropsets & negatives prior to HST, or in a...
  5. J


    Update: I took the plunge & got 2 bottles. I started yesterday, taking 300mg (3 caps) once daily, which will last 40 days total. They recommend a 4-6 week cycle, which is right where I'm at. If I notice any significant changes I'll update again.
  6. J

    opinions/questions on my diet

    Not an expert, but allow me to throw in a couple thoughts here. Yes, 200g protein should be good for you to maintain muscle. Keep your fats to 20-30% of your total calorie intake & you'll be good. Keep the carbs in check like you are now. Keep up w/ the HST & other activity, stick...
  7. J

    Partial military/OHPs

    Hi Kate - thanks, that's what I suspected. Do you prefer standing vs. seated, for the reason of negatives? Or, do you have another reason - such as being able to use higher load?
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    Jon - can you describe how you set up your PH cycle? You used Super One+ (I think); what else did you use, and when? How did you think it worked for you?
  9. J

    Partial military/OHPs

    For those of you doing partial OHP's (by this I am meaning lowering BB to around the top of head, to focus mainly on side delts), what are you combining this with (if anything) to work your front delts? Full ROM militaries, arnolds, front raises?? Is there a consensus that unless or until you...
  10. J

    Chicken nutritional differences

    It's all boneless, skinless chicken breast. So says the packages.
  11. J

    Chicken nutritional differences

    An observation (and minor whine). One brand of frozen chicken I bought recently lists 4 oz. having 36g protein & 4 g fat. Just cooked a batch of a different brand, and it shows 4 oz having about 21g protein and 1g fat. I had no idea there was such a disparity - I thought chicken was...
  12. J

    Losing fat

    Mike - what are your carbs like on your non-lifting/cardio days? Do you take pre/post protein, and/or carbs, before cardio?
  13. J

    Appetite as a leptin level indicator ?

    Would we ideally need to use measurements and/or skinfold caliper readings?
  14. J

    Losing fat

    Don't worry Mo - many of us (myself included) feel pretty "blond" about this stuff too. :D I think what it's saying is that when you raise your carbs & calories to maintain your weight, the body gets accustomed to it. Then,when you reduce after having begun the cardio, it sees...
  15. J

    Cutting on "high" calories

    Last cycle, I was trying to gain & was eating "loose" 2500 cals and felt like all I got was fat. With SD and some current cutting cycle results, I've lost all my weight gain from that. Now trying to get leaner before bulking again.
  16. J

    Cutting on "high" calories

    Here is an excerpt from Restless' recent post in the "results" thread: He also mentioned that he is now 79kg, which is 173lb, having dropped 20 lbs. My question: how is this accomplished on what seems to be a "high" calorie intake level, which in his case is 15x BW...
  17. J

    Incline Press

    Thanks Mike!
  18. J

    Incline Press

    You don't have a link to that post around anywhere do you? I remember seeing it but...
  19. J

    Incline Press

    Actually, I haven't done any negatives for DB presses, yet - though I may give it a try when I get to bulking again. I also don't share that "weight problem" you have; both of my DBs combined barely equals one of yours. :confused: