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  1. J


    Jon, let me know how it goes for you. I'm considering ordering some for use in my next bulking cycle. Do you think it would be more effective in that scenario (vs. cutting) or is it irrelevant? John
  2. J

    Board thickness for Squat

    Randy, I am using something that is about 1-1.25 in. thick (a piece of 1/2inch plywood w/ an angled molding on it, to give it more of a wedge shape). This seems to be working fine so far, and it helps me stay more upright & hit the quads better (I think).
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    I am considering using it alone as well, hence my question. I would like to try to boost my test levels/reduce estrogen and see what effects is has. I'm still a little leery of using steroids or PHs though that remains a possibility as well.
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    Has anyone out there used 6-OXO by itself and not after an AAS/PH cycle? It is purported to help reduce estrogen & increase natural test production even for those not having just "juiced."
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    Summary of HST principles

    vinosavic, I'll take your 2nd question first. No. Read #4 above in Calkid's post. It is a period of time, (9-14 days normally) where you do no resistance training. The purpose is to desensitize your muscles so that the lighter weights you will start your cycle with in the 15s will have a...
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    Does creatine inhibit fat loss?

    Read something on another forum that cited some studies (not fully quoted here) that suggest that perhaps creatine could inhibit fat loss. An exerpt from that study, however: There was also discussion that perhaps you should cycle creatine; use when bulking, but not when cutting. Thoughts...
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    4wk t-1prohormone cycle

    Either of you guys mind elaborating a little on what benefits the prohormones would be expected to provide, as well as possible side effects (reduced libido, 3rd eye in middle of forehead, hairy palms, etc.) :D Thanks for any info.
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    I cannot get the burn

    Hmmm... my impression is that many are doing burns/drops in each workout, for most exercises (except where there are >1 per bodypart, then only on the last, as you stated). Too much??
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    Berardi's food combination's

    Interesting. I just started a 2x/day, 4-week cutting cycle (15s and 10s only) using supersets. My goal is to drop 4-6lbs of nasty fat in that time. I weigh 175lbs, mid-teens BF% (guesstimate) and my activity habits are like Aaron's (pencilneck computer geek job). My diet will consist of...
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    Ordered first HSN protein supp today

    I've also order P & D (among other stuff) from 1fast400. Great prices, service & quick shipping. Flat rate 5 bucks for shipping. I use them exclusively. And you'll really like the P & D. I also use Optimum 100% whey for day-to-day use, it's a lot cheaper, but use the P & D...
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    Joint aches after last WO of 5s

    Aches & pains in the joints & connecting areas are common during the 5s, as things are getting heavy. That's why sometimes it's a relief to end the cycle! BTW, you would only want to do drops on the final movement for a muscle group, not every one. So if you incline DBs and then...
  12. J

    your results with HST...

    Flow, how about some diet/nutrition details? Amounts of p/c/f, anything special in how you combined foods, etc. etc. Do any cardio, in addition to the weights? Thanks for the details & great job on the cut! Hope the back gets well also.
  13. J

    Carb selection while cutting

    During a cutting phase, does your choice of carbs (starchy vs. fibrous) in your diet affect your fat loss results? Specifically, say you're planning to take in 150g daily. Do you want predominantly starchy (roots, grains,etc.) or fibrous (leafy greens like beans, broccoli) or is a balance...
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    Casein in the UK

    Who do you like, Stevie?
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    Casein in the UK

    To Pauly & Robefc- Go Arsenal!
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    One month / one pound

    I don't understand all the physiological intricacies involved, so from an uninformed, logical standpoint it didn't make much sense to me.
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    One month / one pound

    Just read (again) a Berardi article that suggested that some may gain more fat on, say, 500 cals over maintenance, but if they increase further still they begin to gain more lean mass. Interesting idea.
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    exercise videos

    Sure. Here is a link to, which has many video demos of this (with variations) and other movements: Front Squat
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    Calories, and soy and whey protein

    How about fish?
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    Calories, and soy and whey protein

    You might want to consider MRPs; convenient, easy to prepare & good nutrient make-up. For protein, you might want to use whey supplements, easily mixed with water.