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  1. J

    Maltodextrin and dextrose

    Here's a post you could read w/ some info: maltodextrin vs. dextrose You can get these online at places like (where I've gotten my dextrose) or
  2. J

    nutrition around workout

    How much does 30g amount to in teaspoons or tablespoons? Or do you use a scoop from your protein supp? Stupid question, I know, but I can never figure out a convenient and accurate way of converting grams measurements to tsp/tbsp, which is what I use to measure.
  3. J

    HST/HSN apparel

    How about underwear? If HST will help you fill out your HST T-shirt better, maybe... well, come up with your own HST growth-related comment
  4. J

    Could you guys crtique this for me?

    Patrick, I think you could do your curls something like: 15: 20-25-30-35-40-45 10: 40-40-45-45-50-50 5: 45-50-55-55-60-60 and be just fine. Repeating workout weights is OK, especially later in the cycle (later 10s & 5s). If you apply the same principle to your other lifts, I...
  5. J

    Am I understanding HST?

    Good luck Neil. Sorry if I oversimplified, etc., but wanted to make sure you understood clearly.
  6. J

    Am I understanding HST?

    Neil, try this: Test your rep maxes (RMs): you will take 1 week to do this, once you have decided on all the lifts you will use in your HST workout. On Monday, for each lift find the weight that you can do 15 reps for, but not quite hit failure. If you don't have a good idea already (from past...
  7. J

    Back development & exercise selection

    I didn't say I didn't want that - but to a certain extent. I am shooting for, as it was stated by someone else, overall development. I want to avoid over-development of certain areas, which I can see could happen for me personally, as my lats seem to be growing more quickly. And as I see pics...
  8. J

    what are the best foods

    Welcome adj! Start with this: Eating for size This will give you some good suggestions & recommendations on how much of it to eat. Good luck!
  9. J

    Cutting diet guidance needed

    Ryan, if I may ask a follow-up question on this: it says to "eat more & do more cardio." Eat more than what? Maintenance? What if you're already eating an appropriate amount for gaining - continue that?
  10. J

    Cutting diet guidance needed

    Hey, no problem -thanks for all the help! Since I'm doing a short (5-week) go-round, I am considering trying the standard EDT thing just for fun & see how it works. Only problem there is you're not doing whole body 3x/week. But I suppose you could do 10-min. zones instead of 15, and do...
  11. J

    Cutting diet guidance needed

    So are you lifting as the protocol is defined in the article, or more of an HST-style with your pre-defined weights/progression? Have you tried doing a circuit routine a la HST, where you would do 1 set each of your leg exercises back-to-back-to-back-to-back, then rest 2 minutes, then repeat...
  12. J

    Back development & exercise selection

    As I develop my back I am shooting for muscularity & definition, particularly in the middle & upper back area (between traps & scapula) but without the real big lat spread that you typically see in a hyperdeveloped bodybuilder-type physique (not that there's anything wrong with that...
  13. J

    Cutting diet guidance needed

    Mike, is EDT-style what you described above (supersetting w/ short rests, etc.)?
  14. J

    Cutting diet guidance needed

    Ryan, thanks for the suggestion. Can you elaborate a little? Also, the 50% carbs seems high for cutting, to me. I presume this is Venuto's suggested approach - if so, what is the basis?
  15. J

    Cutting diet guidance needed

    Aaron, can you give me an idea or two on what would be considered low or high GI carbs? Are we talking sugar content?
  16. J

    Cutting diet guidance needed

    Well, yeah.... :D Thanks for the great suggestions Mike! I'll give this a try. I'll also try Bryan's suggestion (in the FAQ) about avoiding carbs until the next whole food meal 1-2 hours post-workout. And I just got some cottage cheese & natural PB for the bedtime snack.... yes...
  17. J

    Smith machine squats dangerous

    I tried elevated heels late in my 5s this past cycle & had exactly the same response as Blade; hit my quads more, and low back less. Feels much better for me. In fact, I was able to do a personal high of 205lb for 3 reps today, without a spotter. I know I could've gotten more but didn't...
  18. J

    Cutting diet guidance needed

    I do have another question (for anyone still reading): suppose you are coming off a bulking cycle & plan to follow it with a cutter. Since you aren't necessarily going for muscle growth, is it necessary to SD in between, OR could you skip it & go right into 15s for the next cycle with...
  19. J

    Cutting diet guidance needed

    Thanks Mike! Have you previously done something like what you describe, or trying for the first time? As far as the pre- and post-workout carbs go, when gaining I used 1-2 tsp sugar with creatine in pre-, and usually would use FF yogurt, skim milk & banana (with protein) for post-...