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  1. J

    Cutting diet guidance needed

    I am planning to do a short (5-6 week) cycle next time & am looking to cut after having just finished a gaining cycle. For anyone willing to take time to offer assistance, I could use some guidance on structuring my diet during this time. Basically, I'm struggling with carb intake - I...
  2. J

    carbs postworkout

    Keith, I'll leave the carb part to others who know more; there are varying opinions on timing, amount, etc. Check the FAQ too. As for protein here's what I know: Pre-workout: take around 20g "fast" protein 15-20 minutes before hitting the weights. This is done becuase it's absorption...
  3. J

    ? for those who don't get enough protein

    Put a check in the "count everything" column for me. I regularly supp with protein, as sometimes I am just too dang lazy to prep whole food but still need the protein. But under normal circumstances, I'm with you, I have no problem getting enough.
  4. J

    Weight loss during SD

    My guess is that you simply aren't eating enough, whether to grow or to maintain during your SD. Eat more!
  5. J

    Advanced Driver v. Anabolic Driver

    I just got my Driver (thru 1fast400) and mixed it up for the first time (I had not tried it before). 2 scoops & 6 oz water and I had chocolate pudding! I added 3-4 oz more water & it was fine - and tasty. But this is thinner than the last stuff?? Yikes!
  6. J

    Smith machine squats dangerous

    I had been doing Smith squats (on my home gym) as I don't have a spotter normally (that's why I got a Smith in the first place). I find them harder to do than regular BB squats. As you said, it's straight up-and-down, otherwise you are fighting resistance from the machine itself if you waver...
  7. J

    Help me with my Post Workout Shake

    Actually, you want "fast" protein in your pre-workout drink, and "slow" in your post-workout drink, which would be taken immediately following your training. As far as maltodextrin goes, you can get it online at, etc. Some have said your local drug...
  8. J

    Comments on my first routine and a qustion

    Oh, to have that kind of time + energy on your hands... :D
  9. J

    Comments on my first routine and a qustion

    Well, good luck with it kid! At over twice your age, I hope someday to have half as nice a build as you have now. I think we all may be asking YOU for pointers.. ;)
  10. J

    Comments on my first routine and a qustion

    So, I have to wonder, Beast - with a physique like that, in such a short time & at your age, why are you changing things and going w/ HST? Bored??
  11. J

    Detour Protein Bars?

    Hmmm. Looking at the nutrition breakdown, it's basically a meal!
  12. J

    Detour Protein Bars?

    How much sugar?
  13. J

    scam already carries HSN products! I would call nutrition source. Here's the info: Toll-Free (from within U.S.): 1-800-586-5654 Toll-Free (from outside U.S.): 570-487-1844 (country code: 1) Facsimile: 570-487-1943 Web: Email...
  14. J

    The HST worksheet

    No, these are simply some suggestions for exercises. There are many that can be used. Here's a link to the page with the index (look for the picture).
  15. J


    I have also had excellent results from
  16. J

    The HST worksheet

    Steve, Check out this link on on how to do a deadlift. If you browse around you will see numerous exercises for the different muscle groups, all w/ a video demo. Very helpful! Good luck! John
  17. J

    REALLY basic Newb question..

    Not familiar w/ that piece of equipment, but I assume it is an assisted dip or chin station. If so, yes, have your friend use this; what you want to do is progress thru lighter & lighter amounts of assistance as you go thru your cycle. Still find your RM weights, as described above, only...
  18. J

    Eggs replacing whey

    True. Here's the info from FitDay: Egg, white only, cooked: Cals 16, protein 3g, carb 0g, fat 0g Egg, whole, cooked, hard-boiled: Cals 78, protein 6g, carb 1g, fat 5g
  19. J

    How much does EZ-Curl Bar Weigh?

    I have 2 EZ bars; one is solid, and weighs about 11 lbs. The other is hollow and weighs around 5-6 lbs.