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  1. J

    Isolated proteins & protein digestion

    Recently read some interesting nutrition comments on another site that discussed, in part, digestion of protein & incomplete or isolated proteins. Can someone with th required knowledge separate the wheat from the chaff, as it were, in the following comments? What's true & what's not...
  2. J

    where to buy protein powder & how should i use it

    I think we are still awaiting the go-ahead from Bryan on availability of the "revamped" Primer & Driver; the stuff vendors currently have is evidently the sub-optimal formulation from his original supplier.
  3. J

    GI problems on refeeds?

    Holy crap, edziu! (couldn't resist). Can't say as I've had that problem myself... Seriously... might you be lactose-intolerant & not know it? Are you eating lots of dairy?
  4. J

    Creatine question

    That's probably a decision that only you can make!
  5. J

    Creatine question

    Read this post on creatine for Bryan's thoughts.
  6. J

    Newb help please?

    Ok... Maybe it's not proper gym etiquette, but... could you take a couple plates, stack them & place them under one end of the bench?
  7. J

    Newb help please?

    If you only have a fixed bench - do you have access to a couple 2x4s? Just cut them to about 2 feet in length, screw them together & place them under the rear foot of the bench. This is one way to get a "slight incline" which is in the area of about 10 degrees, or the 1st notch...
  8. J

    Where are you from?

    St. Paul, Minnesota, USA Work out in my basement - very convenient. No lines!
  9. J

    I need some chest and other upper body advice.

    If unable to do 15 dips, use decline bench press instead. Change to dips when you're at the right RM range. Don't feel bad; I have very weak shoulders too... but working on it! :confused:
  10. J

    does my diet look okay?

    Sean - Have you read this, and does it make sense? Eating For Size
  11. J

    High- and low-glycemic carbs

    Micmic - thanks for the info! One point, which may sound silly but... my understanding is that "whole foods" take longer to digest & absorb, and thus are not desirable as part of the post-workout drink. They are fine, though for the following meal. The silly part: if I put a...
  12. J

    High- and low-glycemic carbs

    Do we want to stay away from things with high-fructose corn syrup for post-workout drinks? Most of the processed juices seem to have this.
  13. J

    High- and low-glycemic carbs

    Micmic - thanks for the link. I've seen this before, but find it maddening to look at, as you suggest. My reason for asking: for normal dietary use in meal planning, but also to determine some good options for post-workout drinks. Since I do not own a chemical lab ;) I have limited...
  14. J

    High- and low-glycemic carbs

    Could someone who is "in the know" provide several examples each of foods that would be considered high- or low-glycemic index (GI) foods? And, is there a correllation between these foods & those that would be considred simple or complex carbs? Much appreciated - thanks in...
  15. J

    Diet for HST

    From what I've read here (forum & FAQ) from Bryan, you could also expect some insane fat gain by doing this. I believe it's recommended to ramp-up the calorie intake over a few weeks instead of all at once.
  16. J

    What is the best protein after Workout?

    Try this for a post-workout shake: 1 cup skim milk 1/2 cup fat-free vanilla yogurt (or 1 6-oz container fat free fruit yogurt) 1 scoop protein 2 ice cubes 3 strawberries (or some other fruit you like) Mix in blender for 15-20 seconds. About 350 calories, 35g protein, 52g carb (add more...
  17. J

    Primer, Driver & other whey protein supps

    I'm wondering: 1) When Primer & Driver (new formulation/mfgr) will be available? Sounded like it might be a while. 2) Are either of these suitable as a "normal" protein supp, that one might use for a MRP or along with a food meal? Right now, for these purposes, I'm using a GNC...
  18. J

    How usefull are amino acid tablets

    Evening cardio won't hurt, and is certainly better than no cardio at all! Good luck!
  19. J

    How usefull are amino acid tablets

    250g protein = 1000 cals 190g carb = 760 cals 69g fat = 621 That's 2381. Depending on your activity level & age, that might even be above maintenance. I would suggest: - keep the cardio, but you might want to try it 1st thing in the morning, fasted-state - do 15-20 minutes moderate...
  20. J

    How usefull are amino acid tablets

    Any idea what your diet (cal intake, macronutrient ratios ) looks like?